“YOU KNOW NOTHING”: Game of Thrones actors added to Union lineup

They’re coming down from beyond the Wall…

The Union announced today that actors Kit Harington and John Bradley will be joining show runners David Benioff and Dan Weiss at a panel on Saturday.

Harington, who plays the Stark bastard Jon Snow, and Bradley, who plays Jon’s close friend Samwell Tarly, are currently filming the next season of the immensely popular TV show Game of Thrones, which is due to air in April.

Juhn Snurrr

The announcement has sparked huge excitement among students, many of who watch the show religiously.

One student told The Tab: “I was excited to see Benioff and Weiss already, but now that Kit’s coming I’m really pumped”.

When we told one Theology student of the news, she simply replied “Ahhghghhhghgggh!!!!!!!!!!”.

The GoT stars will undoubtedly continue the trend of huge crowds at the Union

The talk joins an impressive line-up of Union speakers: Ian McKellen and Stephen Fry both spoke this week, and Morgan Freeman is set to speak next Tuesday.

It’s certainly a turnaround for the Union after the scandals of earlier this year.