Christ Church cancels pro-life abortion debate…but it’s going ahead anyway

Students don’t want to hear two men debate abortion…

The controversial pro-life abortion debate WILL go ahead, despite being cancelled by Christ Church.

Anti-abortion society Oxford Students for Life, were due to hold a debate today about abortion culture.

But after threats of protest and pressure from the JCR, Christ Church’s censors have axed the debate, thanks to “potential security and welfare issues”.

Now, OSFL have said “the debate will be going ahead”, and are currently looking for an alternative venue.

If one can’t be found by 4pm today, the event will be rearranged.

An email sent out to the OSFL mailing list

Tim Stanley, a Telegraph journalist, and Brendan O’Neill, editor of Spiked Magazine, were scheduled to speak at Christ Church today.

Brendan O’Neill has complained on Facebook about the “student Stasi”, and in an effort to address protestors’ concerns that the abortion debate only involves men, has decided to “identify as a woman for a 24 hour period”. The protestors, he says, are now transphobic.

Tim Stanley has said on Twitter that the event “WILL take place tonight – I’ll say where when they know…”.

You can’t make this stuff up

A Facebook page for the protest has over 300 attendees – plans were to stage a “non-destructive but oh so disruptive” protest, and it’s presumed that this will go ahead regardless of the event’s final venue.