No hot chicks allowed: Femsoc rebrand as Ugly Girls Club
You’re too hot for this club
A group of feminists at Royal Holloway are calling themselves the Ugly Girls Club after they were teased at a recent meeting.
Incensed Royal Holloway Fem Soc members have nicknamed their group after they were mocked as “the ugly girls club” when running a stall at their union.
The Club have now started a campaign sending selfies to each other to challenge “conventional beauty standards” to reclaim the word “ugly”.
The club are changing the world on a Facebook and Twitter campaign, which says they aim to “reclaim ugly and point out that appearance should not be linked to what a person can achieve”.
They add: “We will not be taken down by conventional beauty standards and silence by superficiality.”
Natasha Barrett, Fem Soc President said: “The aim of the campaign is to empower people to not just think of their worth in physical terms – the selfies were tongue in cheek to start with but they carry a serious message too.
“There are some fantastic student feminist campaigns around at the moment like ‘Reclaim Your Campus’ and the NUS ‘Lad Culture’ campaign – anything that helps draw attention to these issues is great.
“One student said that the campaign had given her a confidence boost and that she was never going to delete her ‘unsatisfactory’ selfies ever again, and that’s exactly the kind of response we want.
“Women have enough self-esteem problems as it is – if this campaign can go a little way to help combat that then we’re happy.”
The Ugly Girls Club has gained support from feminist societies around the country: Exeter, Durham and Cambridge have sent in their selfies.
Send in your selfies on Twitter to #UglyGirlsClub.