We followed the Mean Girls dress code for a week
We left the actual world and entered Girl World
Ever wondered how difficult it must have been for the Plastics to stick to all those ridiculous rules they had to follow (i.e. “On wednesdays we wear pink)? Yeah, so did we. So we decided to put it to the test, and spent a week dressing like we were at North Shore.
The Rules:
- Don’t wear a tank top two days in a row.
- You can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week.
- On Wednesdays we wear pink.
- You can only wear jeans or track pants on Friday.
- Be effortlessly plastic.
So fetch
To be honest, I didn’t get much attention with this outfit. Although I did notice I got a few more smiles, particularly from guys. But I like to think that’s cos I’m just a great person.
Isabel: “I have this theory that if you cut off all her hair she’d look like Paul Layzell.”
I actually wear this outfit, is that cheating? Your skirt rising past your thighs when you sit doesn’t scream professional at an internship event though.
Eli: “My hairline is so weird.”
I hadn’t worn that skirt since I was in year 9 – It’s H&M Young. I’m just amazed it still fits…
Tegan: “I love your skirt, it’s so Roho. Do they sell it at the College shop?”
This was killer. We made the fatal mistake of going to Monkeys for dinner and the skirt definitely wouldn’t zip up after. Plus I was always paranoid my ass was out.
Why can’t you wear a bodycon skirt in the daytime without getting loads of judgey looks and people staring at your bum?
Eli: “That’s the ugliest effing skirt I have ever seen.”
There’s such a thing as too many checks – not a good look and it looks like I’ve eaten too many Kalteen bars and definitely not lost three pounds.
On Wednesdays we wear pink
Tegan: “I hope he doesn’t want his pink shirt back.”
So I thought wearing a Damian-esque shirt would make me bang on Mean Girls, but then remembered I had to wear it with a skirt cos it wasn’t Friday yet. This resulted in me looking half clubber, half sweet shop employee. Not cute.
Isabel: “Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimised by the colour pink.”
I am so bored of heeled boots. Please, someone let me know if there are other shoes that go with skirts and tights. I’d even go for crocs right now.
Eli: “I’m not a regular runner, I’m a cool runner”
Ok the Cady/Damian oversized shirt was already a step out of line but I had running club! At least I was a pink, sweaty blur.
Tegan: “I can’t go to Runnymede Chicken and Ribs, I’m on an all carb diet!”
Jeez, that belt isn’t very Regina George, is it? This was another “rise up your bum” type skirt. Dangerous stuff.
Isabel: “If you go to Roho… why aren’t you from Essex?”
People loved my Karen-esque look today. Drake even called me.
Eli: “It was Emily Wilding Davison’s in the 1800’s!”
I actually got compliments, although going to Waitrose with my stomach out got me a lot of dirty looks.
Tegan: “I saw Jane Holloway wearing army pants and flip flops, so, I bought army pants and flip flops.”
OK this is a bit of a cheat, I didn’t wear the flip flops all day, it was way too cold. But I had to get the reference in! It was a nice relief from wearing a skirt though, even though I would only normally save these leggings for fancy dress purposes.
Isabel: “My breasts can always tell when there’s going to be a fire alarm in the SU. Well, they can tell when it’s going off.”
I didn’t even care that my bra was showing, I was just so happy to finally be comfy and not always have the fear of my bum hanging out. Being a plastic is hard work. I feel more like Janis Ian than a plastic.
Eli: “Your friend’s VK is just off limits to friends! I mean, that’s just like… the rules of feminism!”
Never. Again. Light blue bra in class with Pink Mean girls socks? I ran home.
At the end of the week, we were just glad to wear something comfy. But it made a nice change to actually make an effort for lectures. We’d like to say this made us more productive, but that would be lying.
Now get in loser, we’re going shopping.
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