All the different people your home friends have turned into now they’re at uni
Nobody read your latest thinkpiece, mate
As the Christmas holidays descend upon us, it’s time to show everyone from home how different (better) you are nowadays. Here’s a comprehensive guide of the new personalities you’ll be greeting at the pub.
The edgy person
You swan in with your Nikes, denim jacket, visor and glitter, chatting about the jungle music you’re into now. Top marks if you can name drop a gig you went to and have no one at the table know who you’re talking about.
The health lover
Nutriblast in one hand, pedometer in the other, you lunge, squat and heel flick your way over to your pals. Insist on having a planking competition as soon as everyone gets inside, then fake an injury if you don’t win.
The party animal
You have more stamina than all of us. Make sure you bring up how rough you’re feeling a couple of times for double lad points. Out at least six times a week, we’re genuinely enthralled by your Snapchat story the following morning as we get our packed lunch ready for a full day at the library.
The political activist
Petitions left, right and centre. Bring leaflets and rage.
The one with a life plan
As the rest of us struggle to answer the anxiety-inducing question of “so, what’s the plan after graduation?”, you’ve had a job contract signed since first year. How? It’s not important. You know where you’re living after uni, you have tenant’s insurance, and you probably have a FiloFax. And I speak for everyone else when I say we resent you for it.
The aspirational journalist
Did you see my latest think piece? What did you think? Will you share it? I shared it on Facebook so I don’t think you missed it, if you did I’ll send you the link.