This is everything that’s happening on campus for University Mental Health Day
A week that helps
The 7th of March is University Mental Health Day and this year it's all about 'the power of using your voice'.
It is so important to talk about mental health, especially at university. As a student there are a lot of pressures; friends, studying, keeping healthy, fitting in etc. Throughout the week Royal Holloway Wellbeing are holding a week of events for University Mental Health Day in order to 'promote positive mental health and wellbeing across campus'.
Tuesday 5th 1.30pm-3pm (today), Dealing with exam anxiety workshop with Kate Wilkinson
Worried about revisions, exams, and just third term in general? Then Tuesday's workshopmight be helpful for you.
Wednesday 6th 12pm-4pm (Founders Square): Caravan Theatre presents 'The Time of Your Life'
Take 10 minutes out of your day to go and see the performance and share your thoughts on the chalk board.
Thursday 7th February 12.30pm-4pm (Event Space): Health and Wellbeing Roadshow
Staff and Students from Student Advisory and Wellbeing, Human resources, Active Lifestyle and Sport, the Students' Union and the Mental Health Network all available to talk to you about any issue related to mental health and wellbeing.
Friday 8th 1pm-2.30pm: Motivation Workshop with Life Coach, James Banfield
To book your place for any of these events, make sure to email: [email protected]
Student Advisory and Wellbeing told the Tab Royal Holloway that "University Mental Health Day takes place on Thursday 7 March and to highlight the event, our team are putting on a whole week of events to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
This year’s activities are all about the power of using your voice and so we’ll be encouraging students and staff to talk about mental health and wellbeing, take action to look after ourselves and others and continue to create change that will shape the future of mental health support and awareness."