RHUL student put fake signs saying rooms were infected with Covid-19 on uni doors
The student involved has been reprimanded
A Royal Holloway student has been disciplined after pinning fake posters to doors in the university saying the rooms had been infected with coronavirus and were unsafe to enter.
The poster read: “This room has been infected with Covid-19/coronavirus. Do not enter.” It also featured a stop sign and the official Royal Holloway logo.
The University told The Royal Holloway Tab they have no association to the posters and have reassured us that there are no suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus on the campus. David Asthon (Deputy Principal) on behalf of the Principal has stated that security have conducted a ‘sweep’ for any remaining posters.
Halls Life responded, reassuring that the person responsible for the poster had been identified and reprimanded.
They said: “There are no confirmed or suspected cases on campus. We are aware of the situation described and this has been resolved and the person identified and spoken to and reprimanded.”
The posters were initially revealed to be fake by a student who posted on Overheard, saying: “Just a heads up that these have been put up around campus and they are NOT real! It’s not the actual number for security either. I don’t know why people think it’s funny to do this when some of us are immunocompromised.”
For any further updates on the Universities handling of the coronavirus and updates on anything else, please check the RHUL student intranet.
For more general updates about the virus, for example: symptoms, self-isolation and travel restrictions keep up to date by checking the World Health Organisation wesbite, the NHS website and the Government webiste to name a few.