Paul to dress up as Colossus to apologise for strike action
Can we get a selfie with him whilst social distancing?
As RHUL, along with various other Universities, has experienced strike action twice this year the Principal Paul Layzell has decided to go the extra mile to apologise for the disruption. The decision has not been taken lightly and after much deliberation the Royal Holloway Tab has been told that he will be dressing up as Colossus the Bear – RHUL’s mascot – as a form of apology for the impacts of strike.
People have debated whether this is the most effective way to apologise to the students but it is believed the Principal wants to take a light hearted, fun approach, to provide a bit of distraction during such a stressful period for all.
RHUL will be the first to apologise for strike action in such a way, and it may see other Universities follow. But will it be enough?
If all goes to plan, Paul will apparently soon release a video of him as the loveable Colossus, apologising to students and staff. It is hoped that in the new academic year students will be able to see Paul as Colossus around campus but this hasn’t been confirmed.
Layzell has not yet said when he will dress up and on what platform the video will be released but the Royal Holloway Tab aims to keep you updated.
For now we must all just wait patiently for the apology, and to see Paul dressed as Colossus.
Only then will staff and students be able to make the decision as to whether this form of an apology is sufficient to apologise for the disruption the strikes have caused.
Our writers here at the Royal Holloway Tab will be looking out for any people willing to discuss their thoughts about the Principal’s apologies after the event.
Leavers will perhaps feel like they’ve missed out on the opportunity to get their photo with Paul.
So it is rumoured that if he does make an appearance as Colossus during the next academic year, that they will be able to return to Campus and queue to meet him to get their long awaited selfie.
Disclaimer: April fools.