Royal Holloway SU election results announced
Welcome the new Sabbaticals and SU team
Last week, a new team of Sabbatical Officers for 2021/22 was elected. The whole process of campaigning and revealing the results was different this year. This is also reflected in the voting turnout, with the SU stating that 16.9 per cent of students (or 2,124 students) voted, compared to last year’s turnout of 30.6 per cent of students (3,628 students).
The results were announced starting with NUS delegates and then continuing through the School Reps, VP roles and then finishing with the President position. Between the announcements, societies and individuals gave short performances.
Alex Parry: VP Sports & Societies
You probably stumbled across his campaign video cover of Justin Bieber’s Boyfriend. Alex Parry is our new VP for Sports & Societies. He focuses on increasing accessibility and support for both Sports and Societies in his manifesto, highlighting his method in five points: Providing alternative payment methods, implementing end of term reviews and questionnaires, better communications between teams and societies, sustainability and increasing participation during Freshers’ Weeks and main events.
He said to the Royal Holloway Tab: “I’m so excited to be able to give all groups the support they need to run their group the way they want and to ultimately get more people involved and joining them!”
Alice Goode: VP Diversity and Wellbeing
Inclusivity is her main goal as the new VP of Diversity and Wellbeing which is clear in her campaign hashtag (#GoodetoInclude). Her objectives are amplifying minority voices, developing a centralised student services hub, creating more proactive mental health supports and establishing weekly wellness sessions aka Wellness Wednesday.
Alice shared her enthusiasm for inclusive change with the Royal Holloway Tab, and said she was “most excited about being able to create a space where all student voices are heard, supported and recognised by the SU so that effective and real change can be made.”
Maia Jarvis: VP Education with a vision
She is the VP Ed with a Vision, Maia Jarvis (yes all Marvel references were intended, I can confirm). Jarvis’ aims as VP are founded on the common goal of creating change for all students. This requires addressing the need for more support from personal tutors, developing better assessment methods, placing more focus on joint honours students, creating more writing support opportunities and study networks.
Maia told the Royal Holloway Tab: “I can’t wait to get to know all my department and school reps next year and work with them to improve teaching and learning at Holloway! I’m most excited about fixing the personal tutor system because I want everyone to have a solid relationship with their tutor and be able to go to them for academic help, career advice and references.”
Henn Warwick: SU President
From VP for Wellbeing & Diversity to SU President, we really should hand it to Henn Warwick. During her online campaign, Henn described how the SU president represents “over 10,000 students” effectively on a wide range of issues, which she demonstrates with the variety of issues she addresses in her manifesto. Her main aims included Covid-19 recovery, decolonising Royal Holloway, addressing resource issues in wellbeing services and reviewing student misconduct policies.
She said to the Royal Holloway Tab she was “extremely humbled and grateful for the support I received throughout the elections process and the opportunity to take on the role of President”
She is looking forward to “working closely with students to improve student safety as we step out of the pandemic, decolonise not only the curriculum but also University services and lobby for more Wellbeing staff and resources including a central case management system for the Counselling service and a Sexual Violence Liaison Officer.”
Milo Dack, Maciej Pawlik, and Henn Warwick
Business & Management: Toby Bates
Engineering, Physical & Mathematical Sciences: Joshua Yewman
Humanities: Ananya Krishna
Law & Social Sciences: Nalissa Wilkinson
Life Sciences & the Environment: Leia Davies-Vale
Performing & Digital Arts: Olivia Earl
Congratulations to all the candidates!