Western Bank or the IC: Which is the fittest library?

You decide

With exams looming, being cooped up in the library day and night is a tedious affair, so the least you can do to make the ordeal easier is to find yourself some eye candy.

Does Western Bank or the IC contain the most attractive people? We’re putting it to the vote.

The IC

Josh McHugh and Ollie Barber – Hispanics and Sociology finalists

“Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see”

Carmen Lecuane – Modern Languages second year

“Information commons? What do you and I have in common?”

Catherine Hardwick – Business Management and Economics second year

“Can I follow you home? Because my parents told me to always follow my dreams.”

Jack Leigh – Law

“IC you baby, shaking that ass”

Emma Shaw – Biomedical Science

“You’re so hot, you denature my proteins”

Rob Baird – Zoology second year

“Kiss me if i’m wrong, but Dinosaurs still exist don’t they?”

Theresa – Maths 

“Do you come here often?”

Western Bank

Nathan – English and History

“How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice”

Vicky and Emma – Law and Chemistry

“I seem to have lost my phone number? Can i have yours?”

Olivia, Madeleine, and Zandi – History, English and Environmental Science

“I’m not a photographer, but I can picture you and me together”

Josselyn – Chemical Engineering

“Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!”

Heather Carson and Elle Margerison – Chemistry

“Are you made of Copper and Tellurium? Because you are CU-TE”

Francesca – Material Science and Engineering

“Sorry I’m lost, could you show me the way to your heart?”

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