Two women have been raped in the city centre in the space of two days
Suspect descriptions have been released
Police are looking for two men after two city centre rapes in the space of two days.
The incidents, which are not thought to be linked, both happened in the Arundel Street and Arundel Gate areas.
Police have stepped up patrols in the city centre since the attacks.
In the first incident, a 22-year-old woman was attacked between 2am and 3am, in or around Arundel Gate on Sunday 11th October.
The first incident happened around Arundel Gate
This suspect is described as mixed race, of medium build, and between 23 and 26 years old.
He was also with another man who was described as white. He did not take part in the attack.
In the second incident, on Tuesday 13th October, an 18-year-old woman was raped on Arundel Street at around 2am.
Her attacker is described as white, 6ft tall, of skinny build with a deep voice and northern accent.
He wore a black woollen hat, navy top, jeans and trainers.
South Yorkshire Police’s Detective Inspector Richard Partridge said: “The attacks on both women were very serious and, while we are continuing to follow a number of positive lines of enquiry, I would appeal to anyone who was in the area at the time to contact police.
“We are currently treating these incidents as separate and don’t believe they were committed by the same person.
“As you would expect, these investigations are being treated as a priority and officers are dedicated to finding those responsible.
“We continue to speak to both victims and have traced a number of potential witnesses.”