OMG! says if you wear pink to a traffic light party you’re a slut

Their poster said ‘pink=slut’

OMG! Sheffield’s gay club down West Street, is throwing a Valentine’s Day themed traffic light party tonight, but they have included a new addition to the colours signifying relationship status.

Now the night that promises free entry, prizes and £1 drinks and prizes, have branded those who don pink a “slut”. Nice.

Typically traffic light parties comprise of putting on a coloured sticker, or wearing particular coloured clothing, to indicate a person’s relationship status. Red means in a relationship, orange is seeing somebody or it’s complicated, and green means single. So these parties end up as a meat market for singletons ready to pounce on anybody showing the green light.

Now with the addition of pink there’s no holding back.

The general consensus is that these parties are tragic and those who go and wear a green sticker are easy. But the new addition of the pink sticker have taken this event to an even more unsavoury and distasteful low. The thought of the sexual predators circling the club in search of weak, pink and green clad prey is enough to make your skin crawl.

Firstly, slut isn’t even a relationship status and has never been sighted on a traffic light. So the fundamental of the ‘traffic light’ theme has gone out of the window.

And secondly, branding someone a ‘slut’ isn’t very 2016.


Fair play to OMG! they have balls doing it, but it doesn’t stop the pink label being crude. It’s a tasteless move.

Granted, there is a stigma attached to Valentines Day, making the singletons hungry to find bae, but a traffic light party isn’t exactly the right place to find the one. It just adds a shamelessly smutty vibe to the night.