‘Boys running for the bus and missing it’: Sheffield’s biggest icks
Imagine your man in a bath without any bubbles
Have you ever been on a date and felt an sudden stomach dropping sensation after something they’ve said? Has one single text message instantly changed the way you see them or feel about them? My friend, it sounds like you’ve got the ick.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure you’re aware of what an ‘ick’ is. For those who don’t, look up the urban dictionary definition.
Girls getting the ‘ick’ over things boys do has become a running joke on social media. In no way are the comments all truthful or meant to be harmful. They are just a bit of fun.
The Sheffield Tab spoke to female students in the city, to find out their biggest icks. Here are some of our favourites.
Splitting the bill
Splitting it is fine, but calculating it at the table? Where is the date etiquette?
The heat of their Nando’s sauce
Sometimes admitting you like Lemon & Herb is better than a red face.
Not even an ick, just annoying.
You are NOT an influencer.
Polo necks
If you owned one of these before reading this, I hope you don’t after.
Dating during the festive season
Yeah, I mean Ice Skating is sooooooo easy.
Lost your key?
I mean, to be fair, it is a very simple task.
Bit windy?
Why use an umbrella if you can’t tame it?
Snapchat filters
Yes, please stop that. We’re in 2021 now. Grow up.
Year 7 PE vibes
This one is funny to watch but if it’s your man, turn the other way.
Missing the bus
After reading this I’d recommend that men stay stationary.
A trip to Hollywood Bowl
To avoid spending forever alone, all future bowling dates must be cancelled.
Come on bubble bath is literally about a quid.
Boys that drink cider
Vodka, lager, gin, whiskey, rum, absolutely anything you desire. Just NOT cider.
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