“Sluts in cake”

The most bizarre thing I have seen was the appearance of the clip “sluts in cake” appear on Youtube.

The last seven days have been full of bizarre events. We saw a peaceful protest turn unexpectedly violent, Chelsea lost 3-0 to Sunderland, and Ireland (a respectably stable country) edge towards the brink of economic bailout. However the most bizarre thing I have seen was the appearance of the clip “sluts in cake” appear on youtube.

The video of Southampton students shows how an after night celebration can descend into a complete mess, evident by the actions and attire of the characters in play post cake fight, dancing, signing, getting covered in mayo and eating a frozen pizza. With nothing more than a wonderful and unexpected climactic ending…A true must see for every student in Southampton.

Sorry, this video has now been removed by the Youtube user (presumably the girls who uploaded it).