Soton student suspended after scarring model with her stiletto
She’s been charged £300 compensation
A Southhampton student has been suspended after attacking a model with her stiletto on a night out.
19-year-old Child and Mental Health Nursing first year, Sophia Withey, was just two months into her course when she attacked and scarred self-employed model, Rebecca Gorecki on 17th November 2018.
According to EssexLive, both Sophia and Rebecca were on a night out at Popworld in Chelmsford, Essex. Sophia was celebrating a friend’s birthday. The "unseemly disgusting brawl" occurred later that night, near a taxi rank on Springfield Road.
On 29th April 2019, CCTV footage of the incident was presented in Chelmsford Crown Court. Judge Emma Peters described it as a “drunk, disgusting and ugly brawl”.
Speaking to Withey, Peters said: “You got drunk, you lost your temper, you sat down and took your shoes off and used them as a weapon." The CCTV showed Withey kicking Gorecki to the ground and swinging her shoes towards her head.
The judge added: “I do not know what your University will do, but your career has been put at risk because of your behaviour on this day”.
In a statement to the court, Rebecca Gorecki said: "I just remember having my head in my hands, feeling blood on my face”. As a result of the attack, Gorecki said she suffered from anxiety and “didn’t go out for months after the incident”.
Gorecki is also concerned that her modelling career will be heavily affected by a “permanent scar” on her face. She suffered laceration above her eye which needed stitches, and told the court: “I cannot grow a normal eyebrow”.
Sophia admitted to one count of causing actual bodily harm, and has been sentenced to 12 months community order, 140 hours of unpaid work and 20 days rehabilitation activity requirements.
The court ordered Withey to pay Gorecki £300 for compensation, and Sophia has been suspended from the University.
The University refused to comment.