Soton third years invited Tariq Manzils to pres and he actually went
He even brought bhajis and poppadoms
On Saturday, the dreams of every Soton student came true: Tariq Manzils went to a pre-drinks.
Alex and Martin, who were hosting the pres, decided to invite Soton icon Tariq to their Facebook event. Then, when they were in Manzils after a night out, they spoke to Tariq and managed to convince him to accept the invitation and come along.
Tariq arrived to cheers and applause, armed with bhajis and poppadoms.
The Soton Tab spoke to Cameron, who was at the pres. He said: "When he arrived everyone was like 'holy shit he's actually here' and some people didn't even know he'd been invited.
"Tariq was there for about ten minutes. He dropped off the food, had a chat and took a few photos.
"It was a Madagascar-themed night, minus points to Tariq for no costume though."
After they'd all gone out to Jesters, the whole gang went to Manzils to see Tariq again and get their student deal curry – a staple after any Soton night out.
Cameron said: "He remembered us for sure. I was quite steaming, but he managed to put all 16 of us together."
The Soton Tab spoke to the man(-zil) himself, Tariq. He said that he's been to quite a few student parties and pre-drinks before – last year he went to about four.
Tariq said he decided to go along because Alex had gone into the restaurant and invited him, and he knew Alex was a regular customer who was "well behaved".
Tariq said everyone was excited to see him and he'd wanted to stay at the pres for longer, but Manzils was busy so he'd had to leave.
So now you know: If you want Tariq Manzils to rock up to your next house party or birthday night out, all you have to do is ask. People have even gotten married at Manzils, so anything's possible.
To see videos of the man himself at pres, head to The Soton Tab's Instagram.
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