Mayflower FC filmed chanting ‘one naked n****r on the bus’ during social
Members of the society later said ‘the bus journey was a highlight’
University of Southampton students have been filmed singing racial slurs whilst on a social.
In Snapchat videos obtained by The Soton Tab, members of Mayflower FC can be heard singing "there was one naked n****r on the bus" while on the U2C.
The full video can be viewed on The Soton Tab's Instagram.
Witnesses told The Soton Tab the team were on their way to a social at Oceana on Wednesday night. Mayflower FC's President said the video "could be interpreted as racism," and told The Soton Tab: "The video currently has no link to the club.
"This was an individuals mistake and not one."

Screenshots from the incident on the bus (see the full video on The Soton Tab Instagram)
In screenshots of Mayflower FC's WhatsApp conversation leaked to The Soton Tab, members of the team can be seen joking about the social.
The boy who originally posted the Snapchat story says: "The bus journey was a highlight".
Other members of the society called the social "class" and "a good laugh".

A screenshot from the club's group chat
The student who posted the video on Snapchat told The Soton Tab: "I never intended to say the word.
"I was drunk. I'm not racist."
Mayflower FC has since confirmed to The Soton Tab the player who filmed and participated in the chanting will be removed from the club.
The Social Secretary told The Soton Tab: "The committee has decided as a majority to remove this player from the club.
"We do not by any means condone this disgusting behaviour.
"There should be a zero tolerance from the whole of society on comments like this", adding that the incident 'tarnishes' both Mayflower FC and football as a whole.
A spokesperson for the University of Southampton told The Soton Tab: "The disgraceful behaviour shown in this footage is completely the opposite of what we stand for as a diverse and inclusive University.
"We will investigate this matter further with the Students’ Union and if the individuals involved are students of the University we will take firm disciplinary action."
The President of Southampton's Afro-Caribbean Society told The Soton Tab: "The fact that alcohol is present in the situation also does nothing to lessen the offensiveness of their actions.
"Alcohol does not make a person racist, it simply exposes those who already are.
"The behaviour they exhibited was offensive and isn't reflective of Southampton's longstanding ethos and therefore should be handled as such.
"It's 2019 and Black people are still experiencing racism on a collateral scale.
"The fact we're still subject to this blatant abuse is appalling and it's more appalling that minimal is being done to rectify the conditions in which these racists thrive.
"Societies such as the Mayflower Football Club have become breeding grounds for ignorant and racist ideas to develop under the guise of 'we didn't know, it was just fun'."
SUSU has been approached for comment.
To see the full video, head to The Soton Tab's Instagram.
If you see any incidents of racism on campus, we want to hear about it. Send tips to The Soton Tab Instagram or email [email protected].