Everything you’ll recognise from your commute to Strathclyde
There’s nothing like running for the bus to wake you up
When considering the unique breed of the student, we must examine its habitual options: is it halls or is it home? When a fair few of us choose to live at home and commute, there are some staples of the journey that we have all experienced.
Being a commuter can prove quite a bit more different in comparison to “hall-dweller” than one might think – both with its pros and cons.
Here’s a chronological exploration into the daily differences in the life of a commuter.
The early rise
Due to having to travel a significantly larger span than a hall-dweller, the journey must begin at often excruciating early hours.
This groggy mist of apathy is accompanied with regret: “I shouldn’t have watched the next episode of that show, and lost an hour’s sleep…” or “I could’ve logged off Tumblr at 12am as oppose to 2am…” and other various scenarios.
Plus, a concise schedule to meet the needs of public transport means less time to appear less zombified – not the best for your self-esteem or approachability.
Also, due to the perpetual sheet of black ice this season, our journey is a treacherous one.
Icy hills are not.
SBS (Sleepy Bus Syndrome)
The principle of this horrific affliction can be applied to pretty much any form of public transport. The risk factor of this condition is extremely high: missing the stop, causing disturbance via snoring, or even drooling on strangers.
There’s just something about the soothing movements and hypnotising passing of the scenery that triggers near-instant lack of consciousness. Also, when bringing ‘The Early Rise’ into the equation, this sleep can be heavy and extremely disconcerting.
For instance, my bus literally made contact with another vehicle and I was completely unfazed, thanks to SBS.
Potential isolation
We’ve all noticed the tight-knit culture of the hall-dwellers, not that it’s any fault of theirs – it’s only natural that living in close proximity assists in developing friendships, but the life of a commuter can be a lonely one.
Being isolated geographically can lead to feeling the same socially: No, I wasn’t at that bar last night.
No, I didn’t hear about that scandal.
No, I don’t know Marcus, whoever he is.
However, to anyone trudging through this sludge of being left behind, just because your friendships aren’t developing quite so quickly, doesn’t mean they won’t. Besides, some of my classmates complain constantly about their roommates – it’s not too bad for us, as we get to choose who we spend time with.
The mad dash
Now, with a needed spurt of energy, comes this little number.
A commuter may be staying late to study, party, for a societal meeting or may even just want to go home and nap after a lecture, but all the while, the inconvenience of timetables (for bus, train, or ferry – if that’s your thing) force our time-frame under constant mental monitoring.
This can lead to some lung-imploding sprints to meet that deadline – no one wants to be stranded for another hour, two hours, or have to pay £50 for a taxi, if you miss the last bus.
The perks of living at home
We’ve reached the conclusion of our commuter’s journey: we’ve experienced the break of dawn, treacherous walks and tight schedules, but – despite the hardships we endure – there’s no place like home.
We all love creature comforts and dwelling within our natural habitat; here, we have full cupboards, meals made when we trudge through the door and no rent to pay.
As we commuter’s fledge the nests on a daily basis to visit the institute preparing us for adulthood, we can have comfort in returning to the place where we’re still allowed to feel like kids…until the ungodly hours of the next morning.