Herriot Watt ranked in the top 30 unis in the country

We came second for our building and town planning degree and third for accounting and finance

Herriot Watt has been ranked as one of the top unis in the UK by the Guardian.

With an overall score of 70.4, we narrowly missed out on beating our big rivals Edinburgh, who only managed 72.7.

We matched them for the percentage of students in a career after uni, both with 78 per cent.

We’re also far more satisfied with our course, at 89 per cent, with our teaching, at 88 per cent, and also without feedback, at 70 per cent. All of Edinburgh’s scores were lower.

Just 10 per cent of Herriot Watt went to private school, compared to Edi’s 31 per cent.

We also ranked a huge second for our building and town planning degree, third for accounting and finance and seventh in the UK for physics.