Which Brighton club night are you?
Get wavey by the waves
Just because the first few wild weeks of freshers are over, doesn’t mean you have to put away the Imperial and whack back on your chastity belt – it’s time to actually make some worthwhile friends, and what better way to do that than to have some fun and get white girl wasted?
Of course, you’re probably still looking to grab someone to shag so you can prove your sexual prowess to your mates back home, but socialising with your fellow students is key to having a successful and untainted crack at the boss man status.
Pryzm is a definite, no matter what year you’re in. In fact, going to Pryzm becomes more compulsory as you progress each year. We can’t have people thinking we’re getting boring, right?
A night in Pryzm is the only night where some drama, tequila and a bitter walk of shame are all guaranteed. We’ve all been there guys, don’t worry.
It’s the night of sports socials, which means tutus and togas in every direction, and a guaranteed “down it freshaaaaar” from the Rugby lads.
You will never get a more diverse range of people and a more intricately dressed crowd of sexually promiscuous teens on a night out than at Epik Wednesday. This glorified Oceana is calling out to you, so whack on your beer goggles and go hunting pals.
Concorde 2
Concorde is the kind of venue where you’ll make a lot of temporary best friends. Be sure to tell all of your new best mates in the smoking area how much you love them, and ask them to check your pupils are as big as you hoped.
You’ll be best pals with everyone in there in no time and Concorde 2 folk are the life long friends you’re going to keep until at least 6am when your seratonin levels begin drop off and you realise how shit real life actually is.
If you know all the words to any Stormzy song, this is the place for you.
Make your way into the crowd and be sure to snapchat every second so everybody knows you’re having a great time.
Make eye contact with a fellow raver and before you know it, you’ll be two stepping together in no time and exchanging phone numbers for any upcoming events you might both be attending.
“Maaaate, be sure to drop me a line when you buy your next ticket”… Never to be heard from again.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a wavey garm just as much as the next wannabe road gal but we’ve got to be strategic about the look required for Concorde 2. Bucket hats are ONLY allowed here. Wear one to Coalition and you’ll stick out like a sore thumb.
If you can make it through till the end of the week, and you haven’t been defeated, nor are you in your overdraft, then Friday I’m in Love is the place to go.
I can’t lie to you, there isn’t anything particularly jaw dropping about Coalition on a Friday, but I can at least guarantee you’ll have some fun, get totally shit faced and potentially pull a few worldies at the same time.
It’s the kind of night out which will have you waking up questioning whether your degree is actually worth it, while downing a glass of Berocca.
You’ll be bracing yourself to get through the first roll-up of the day and accepting that may have been the best night of your life, when in hindsight you’ll probably have forgotten about it by Sunday evening.
But don’t be dissuaded. From Foo Fighters to Fetty Wap, theres a huge range of music here and even bigger range of ridiculously bright disco lights and lets be honest – who doesn’t love lighting that makes you feel like you’re having a seizure?
You think Haunt mondays, CU next Tuesday, Pryzm Wednesday (and your well deserved quiet Thursday night at the pub) have worn you out? Think again. All the sassy Sussex students and equally brassy Brighton lot are welcome. We’re all just one big highly intoxicated, happy family here so come one, come all to Coalition.
The Haunt
To the troopers that just cant accept that the weekend is over, Haunt mondays have been created just for you.
5 Jaeger Bombs for £5 – a phrase you’ll hear upwards of 20 times within an hour of being there. But how can you say no to that?
If you’re in the mood to drop a few pills and tell your friends how “insanely magical” the world is, this is not the place for you, I am afraid.
However, if you’re ready to dust off the heels that you never get to wear in Brighton, and have another crack at your slut drop, you’ve come to the right place.
Fear not, if you’re not a heel lover or dress obsessed you’re still more than welcome here. You could go in your Adidas tracksuit bottoms and an old, stained t shirt that you’ve spewed all over on more than one occasion and nobody would think it was anything other than a fashion statement.