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Sussex University is making terms shorter next year

There will be shorter terms and more revision time

In an email sent out to all students on February 20, plans have been revealed to restructure the length of terms, among other changes.

The message from the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education and Students, professor Kelly Coate, outlines the changes that are to be implemented following feedback from students.

Key areas of change include:

Term one shall have the later start date of September 30, with term two having an earlier one, January 27.

The introduction of an 'inter-semester week' before the start of term two. The aim of this week is to provide students with the opportunity to reorient themselves after exams and get involved in university-run activities.

An extra week for the Easter break in 2020.

The incorporation of a revision week at the end of term two. This allows for more thorough exam preparation, following feedback to the University regarding a lack of adequate revision time for Summer exams.

Resits for term one exams will now take place immediately following the term two exam period. This is a major change from previous years, where all resits would occur at the same time, regardless of whether they were term one or two.

All resit results will now be released before the start of the following academic year.

You can find more detailed information about what exactly is going to change for the next academic year here.