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University of Sussex releases new information regarding their coronavirus policies

Campus has had a number of modifications in order to make it safe

With just four weeks to go until the scheduled arrival date for the incoming year of students, the management team for the University of Sussex has published an updated guide to the ways in which campus will be kept safe for students and staff, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The guide states the areas such as personal hygiene, cleaning, social distancing and student support that will be enforced, with particular recognition for freshers and those new to campus.

Some of the new points include hand sanitiser stations across campus, one-way systems and capacity limits, the continued closure of some campus communal areas, and the continued support of the Student Life Centre team for students wanting a conversation with a university official.

The website also clarifies the university’s approach for the next term of teaching, as well as updated information about studying abroad, local travel and accommodation.

An extensive list of email addresses and useful links are also provided for those wishing for more information or guidance.