Take The Tab Sussex’s 2020 sexual assault survey now
Help us get an accurate view of sexual misconduct at our uni
The Instagram page @handsofflcub recently republished statistics from a 2016 article by Babe claiming The University of Sussex to have the worst sexual assault rate of any UK university. Since these figures are outdated, The Tab Sussex is looking to accurately evaluate the level of sexual misconduct faced by University of Sussex students during their time at uni. There has been an increase in awareness of sexual misconduct at Sussex in recent months.
The circulation of the 2016 statistics has brought an increase in awareness of sexual misconduct at Sussex in recent months. The Facebook page “SussFessions” has also provided a platform for students to anonymously share thoughts and opinions on a range of topics. While not created for the purpose of exposing sexual misconduct in the university, there have been several ‘confessions’ posted by the page which do bring to light just how widespread the issue is.
In order to gain a better understanding of sexual harassment throughout the University of Sussex, The Tab Sussex has created a survey to record experiences of Sussex students, and see if much has changed since the 2016 statistics were published.
Please be aware your answers are completely anonymous, though they may be quoted in a future article.
If you or anyone you know is affected by the topic of sexual assault and needs help, the university offers support and counselling services to all students.
*This article is being reshared to increase the number of responses to the survey so we can get a fair and accurate depiction of sexual assault at Sussex University in 2020. Please share with anyone you know to increase the accuracy of the results.*