Brighton and Hove allocated £3.4 million to help rough sleepers
Brighton and Hove City Council has received the largest grant of any local authority in the country
The government has allocated £3.4 million to Brighton and Hove City Council, in order to help rough sleepers off the streets.
This is following ministers’ pledges to provide housing to Britain’s rough sleepers at the start of the first coronavirus lockdown in the Spring, when Brighton and Hove City Council moved hundreds of people into hotels and guest houses, then later, university halls of residence. But when students returned in September, many of those people had to be relocated once again.
The council has said “We’ve been awarded around £3.4 million to provide immediate short-term accommodation and support this financial year and around £3 million to provide longer-term sustainable housing options for the people accommodated.
“The funding is ring-fenced to support the 369 people we were accommodating at the end of September and anyone subsequently found to be sleeping rough in the city.”
However, the council also noted that they are seeing more people rough sleeping in the city every week which adds to the pressure of providing accommodation.
“The accommodation and support we’ve been able to offer people who were rough sleeping this year have been crucial to keeping them – and the city – safe during the Covid- 19 pandemic.”
With this in mind, this latest grant, the highest awarded to any local authority in the country, proves hugely helpful and necessary if the council are to be able to continue providing this accommodation and support during the second lockdown and into the Christmas period.
The council encourages you to contact Streetlink if you see anyone you think may be sleeping rough.