Dear Colston Hall students: Here’s how to use a pan properly
An instructional guide from the good people of UWE
Living at university isn’t easy and everyday students are beset with new challenges – including turning off lights, heating things safely and not burning buildings down.
In light of recent events, we hope to make life that little bit easier with our a simple step-by-step guide on how to cook food in a pan safely and responsibly.
Firstly, it’s important to have the right safety equipment around you at all times. As crazy as it seems, you never know when someone will do something idiotic like abandoning a pan of hot oil.
Safety equipment available at any polytechnic
Both items have a set of simple illustrated instructions that I’m sure you won’t find tricky to follow.
Look it even has pictures
Once all the equipment is in order, turn on the gas and add a splash of oil. But remember: it’s crucial to heat your oil slowly – you don’t want to burn your onions. Or your halls.
Add in the food, but remember to keep and eye on the pan and do NOT walk away while cooking.
Who said you can’t look good while being safe?
Turning off
Now, this is where things get tricky – even for the brightest sparks. But pay attention and it’ll all start to make perfect sense.
Listen up: it’s really, really important to make sure you turn off your hob once you’ve finished cooking.
Flames cause fires, and fires, unless stopped, cause destruction.
Turn off the heat if you want to turn on your laptops and speakers later
We understand this is a lot of information to take in.
So any student who still has fire safety concerns is more than welcome to visit any of the fire-free UWE halls where basic ability and common sense haven’t gone up in smoke.