UWE’s Maddest Fresher: the fourth nominee

Our first girl

With three mental boys so far, it’s time for UWE’s girls to show us how it’s done. Our next nominee is a first year legend, and lives to party.

Juliet Gardner

A friend of Juliet’s told us: ‘Juliet Gardner is undeniably the maddest fresher of Bristol, let alone UWE. She is not only 1/2 of the best beer pong team in the U.K. as she is yet undefeated but further can strawpedo faster than anyone.’

‘Juliet Gardner has in fact campaigned for there to be an increase in straws in clubs around Bristol in order to get her VK down her.’ Did someone order a legend?

‘The people of the Motion first aid tent found her thrilling after she (unbeknown to us all) was knocked out unconscious for 40 mins. Yet the legend that she is manages to go 3 times in one week. She has also set the paces in Blue Mountain, Lakota, Pams, Lola Lo’s – where we went to hole punch some work and then the next minute we find ourselves as a flat in Lola Lo’s buying our 4th round.’

Nursing the Motion injury

‘Not only this but Juliet Gardner is a Lock In fiend, yet to not be in the middle of the dance floor with VK’s in hand although sometimes she may go to lock in twice in one night.’