No one is running for LGBT or Black Minority Ethnic Officer in UWE’s SU elections

This is a shambles

For the second year running, no one is running for the offices of Black Minority Ethnic Officer or LGBT Officer in the UWE SU elections.

On the SU website, it says that there are ‘no approved candidates’, which would suggest that no-one ran at all.

This leaves BME and LGBT students entirely unrepresented within the Students’ Union.

Other offices that no one ran for included Postgraduate Officer, City Campus Officer, Frenchay Campus Officer and Community and Welfare Officer.

And nominations are now closed:

When trying to nominate


It would appear that there’s been no public appeal from the SU for applicants.

We contacted the SU for a statement. Voting closes at midnight.

We’d like to hear from you on the matter, whether or not you’re affected by this, so message our page with your opinions.