Here’s everything fun happening in Warwick for the end of term
Party time
Now the dreaded exams are over we need to get on with the real reason we’re at uni – the sesh. Let’s be honest, we’ve all spent the last few weeks fantasising about getting back to the one and only Copper Rooms, listening to Disco Dave banging out the tunes and basically doing anything other than revision.
So what’s actually happening now that we are free?
Warwick Summer Festival – 17th June
With huge names such as Fuse ODG, Blonde and Arcadian, this is an event not to be missed. The crowds will be wild, the tunes banging, and the alcohol flowing. And with tickets from only £38, including transport to and from Coventry Cathedral, why not bag yourself a ticket whilst there’s some left?
Tickets can be found here.
Skool Dayz – 17th June
If the immensity of Warwick Summer Festival is too much to handle, on the very same night, get yourself down to the Copper Rooms for what is sure to be a memorable night. For the last time this year, Skool Dayz is offering you the chance to dig out that old school tie and use up your new eyeliner perfecting those basic white girl freckles.
Tickets still available here.
Grad Ball – 19th June
For those of us who have come to the end of a difficult but also incredible journey, the graduation ball is the place to be. Get ready for an emotional but fun night with the people you’ve spent the last three years laughing, crying and drinking with. An event not to be missed! Tickets no longer available for this event but have a ball, grads!
Sports Ball – 20th June
It’s time to swap those shorts for your best dress, those trainers for your high heels and that helmet for hair grips because Sports Ball is here. The time of year has come where all the sports teams on campus come together to celebrate the year and all their many achievements. The event is now unfortunately sold out, but for all those people who have got tickets, get excited!
Soc Awards – 24th June
The sports clubs have had their fun, now its the societies’ turns. An opportunity to celebrate the achievements of societies across campus, societies are heading to the beautiful Stratford-Upon-Avon for a night of awards, champagne and class. Unfortunately, tickets for the event are no longer available since menu plans had to be finalised.
End Of Term Party at Kasbah – 26th June
This isn’t just any normal Bubbleluv at Kasbah. With CO2 cannons, confetti cannons and free giveaways, this is the place to be on Monday, week 10. Of course free toast is still available on exit; what’s not to like? £1 Jägers and banging music definitely make this worth the trek from Leamington.
Get your Uniexpress tickets here.
The one we’ve all been dreaming of. After an agonising wait through exams, the incredible Pop! is back. Sold out for all three weeks, the Copper Rooms is the place to be on a Wednesday night. So get your craziest fancy dress costumes out and get ready for the very best of Disco Dave; he’s back!