Everything you will miss about uni now that you’re home for the summer
At least at uni your mum can’t make you empty the dishwasher
Getting used to the fun and freedom of uni life only to return home to live under your parents’ roof in your home town can be pretty confusing and kinda annoying.
It’s great when you first get home and there’s free hot meals every night and your family treats you like you’ve just come back from the dead, but it’s not always like that.
So here we go, get ready to deal with all the things you’re gonna miss so bad about uni life when you return to the motherland.
You don’t have to empty the dishwasher
Chances are you don’t have the luxury of using a dishwasher at uni but at home you know the familiar sound of your mum calling “come down and empty the dishwasher” all too well. It’s fine and you don’t mind but you also kinda do mind and you never want to have to empty a dishwasher again.
Also every teenage child is united in the practice of opening the dishwasher to put dirty plates in, seeing that it is clean and ready to be emptied, and then closing the dishwasher and ignoring it. Basically we’re all just super lazy.
The freedom
The best thing about uni is that you can do whatever you want whenever you want, and you don’t really need to tell anyone where you’re going.
Sometimes it’s good to check in on your housemates and vice versa just to make sure they haven’t been dead in their room for a week, but usually you know when they’re safe because you’re familiar with their footsteps and the sound of them eating cereal in the kitchen.
But home is different. Every time you come home you have to announce your arrival and then you can’t leave without telling the rents when you’ll be home because they actually care if you’re safe – how weird is that. Either way compared to uni it feels like a very kind and caring but controlled prison.
No Uber
I don’t know about you fancy London residents (and other relevant cities with Uber) but a lot of us students will return to our more rural home towns this summer and have to deal with some of the worst public transport the UK has to offer.
Buses are your main option and they will undoubtedly suck. £6.30 for a return ticket and waiting an hour for the bus would seem like an actual joke at uni but at home it’s an all too familiar reality. This means you often have to pretend to be 15 and blag a child’s ticket until you eventually get caught out and have to admit to your old age.
Working 9-5, what a way to make a livin’
Everyone comes back from uni and has to make their dreaded return to their hometown job. You really don’t want to work on the fish counter at Tesco but you need that £££ so that you can blow it all on nights out next year.
It also feels pretty soul destroying to work your way out of your overdraft, because you aren’t even really making money you’re just desperately trying to claw your way back up to £0 again. But we soldier on, because if we can’t afford takeaways and nights out then what kind of uni student are we?
You know everyone in your home town
Uni is great because you can get absolutely plastered and lay on the pavement outside Kasbah and no one will give a shit because chances are they don’t know you. Or maybe a few people know you but it’s ok ‘cos it’s uni and that’s just a sign of a good night out.
But your home town is entirely different. You’ll go for a haircut and your hairdresser will be the girl you sat next to in year 9 French, or you will be sat on the bus and have to look at your phone to awkwardly avoid ex-secondary school best friends, or the dance floor of your local club will have at least two people you’ve got with at any one time.
People you know are everywhere, whereas uni has a calming degree of anonymity. Unless you’re in the SU on a Wednesday. Then you know EVERYONE.