Student could be fined for triggering fire alarm at Pride Night

That’s the overdraft gone


The student who pulled the fire alarm at last night’s Pride Night event could be fined.

The alarm was sounded after audience members were offended by the “racist, anti-semitic and transphobic” material used by the drag act. 

When told about the potential fine Gareth Dybiec, James Chair and organiser of the event, said: “Yes I 100% believe that student should be fined.

“As I stated before, my JCRC welcomed feedback from last year and implemented everything the LGBTQ network requested. I will still be happy to listen to their complaints.

“I tried my best to resolve the situation and deal with their concerns. However their actions could harmed people at the event, or prevented the fire fighters getting to a real life or death emergency which is unacceptable.

“Although I will always listen to a students concerns and try to understand them, putting other peoples lives in actual danger is a far worse offence in my eyes.”

Before the hall was evacuated

Jack Elliot, a second year who was at Pride Night said: “I’d have had more respect for the student if they’d gone on stage and snatched the queen’s weave.

“What happened to booing?!”

What do you think of the potential fine? Tweet us @TheTabYork #YorkUniPrideNight