Does anyone actually care about college elections?

‘They need to stop leaving cardboard in the lake’

That time of year is here again, and posters and cardboard are popping up all over campus marking the beginning of college JCRC and CSA elections.

We went out to see if anyone actually cares about the elections, or if they’re just using hustings and results parties as another excuse to get drunk.

Peter, Law, first year

“Yes, because they are very important for student development… and other things.”

James, PPE, 3rd year

“Not really – because I was put in off-campus accommodation in first year, I felt quite alienated from the college community.”

Hamish, Environmental Geography, third year

“Yeah, we have a good line up of candidates this year so will have a good committee next year.”

Alex, Sociology and Education, third year

“No, because it hasn’t even boosted my CV that much and I’ve done it for two years.”

Paolo, Economics, second year

“No, I don’t care. I’m just here to support my friend because he asked me to.”

Oscar, Economics, second year

“I only really care about the sports.”

Oscar, English, second year

“No, but I’m here because my housemate is running for chair. So I do care a bit.”

Alex, Archeology, second year

“Yes, because it gets people involved and able to make a difference to student life.”

Myra, Archeology, second year

“Yes, because it gives people the opportunity to choose how the college can be run.”

Luke, History, third year

“Not really.”

Megan, English, third year

“Yes, I do care. There’s not enough to interest off-campus students unless they have personal connections to elections, such as they have a friend running or they have been involved in college committees before, and so I like to be engaged with elections to see what the candidates are promising for off-campus students to draw them into campus life.”

Dan, History of Art, third year

“No I fucking don’t, because I never lived on campus. I feel like I’m only half part of Langwith and nothing the college does actually affects me, so why should I give a shit?”

Elliott, Economics and Finance, second year

“No, when there isn’t even enough people who give a shit and fill all the positions why should I care. Also, they need to stop leaving cardboard in the lake.”