The Northern Youth’s latest event begins tomorrow
The art installation aims to destigmatize mental health issues
The Northern Youth’s first Millenial Minds event, in collaboration with Illuminate York and York Minster, begins tomorrow.
This four-day long exhibition, held in the York Minster, begins tomorrow from 5pm and the opening party, in collaboration with Drop., is being held at The Falcon Tap from 8pm.
The Northern Youth’s art exhibition, ‘Millennial Minds’, aims “to destigmatise mental illness through encouraging healthy and open discussion.” The Northern Youth also suggest that, “the millennial generation are facing a mental ill-health epidemic.” The exhibition will feature pieces by students studying at Ruskin School of Art, Central St. Martin’s, Leeds College of Art and the University of York.
Snapchat: @northern.youth
The event gives us the rare opportunity to draw our attention away from the assumed epicentre of creativity, London, and to acknowledge the home-grown talent from the North, which is frequently overlooked.
The Nothern Youth’s previous event (below) was a fashion show created by young designers from over eight northern design schools, and featured a Q&A with the editor of U.S Vogue, Anna Wintour and the Editor-in-Chief of The Guardian, Katherine Viner. As a result of their work in putting together this fashion show, The Northern Youth raised £30,000 for The Xavier Project and Refugee Action York.
Credit: James Hostford
“Suffering in silence should not be tolerated. The importance of mental wellbeing has been overlooked for too long. The Northern Youth will be heard.”
To find out more about the event itself, click here and to find out more details about the opening party, click here.
To join The Northern Youth, email [email protected]