York students to join climate strikes on Friday
Uni students will join a worldwide education strike
Students from the University of York will join a strike in St Helen's Square, York, on Friday 15th March participating in the first nation wide "Climate Strike" run by YouthStrike4Climate.
The strikes in York have been organised by the YouthStrike4Climate York group, inviting university, college and school students from around York to boycott education for the day.
Strike actions in York follow on from various climate change orientated action taken by students at the uni. These include the "mass die in" at the designer outlet and a smaller climate change protest in the autumn term.
Student climate activists came together on Tuesday lunchtime, including those of "Extinction Rebellion" on university campus to create signage and banners for the planned action on Friday.

Banner making in Derwent College, University of York campus
Tuesday afternoon also saw student members of "Extinction Rebellion" appealing to students as they attended lectures. One such student was invited into an environment lecture to appeal to students to join the strike and skip university on the Friday in the name of climate change.
In their press release, YouthStrike4Climate York stated: "We are joining with young people from over 40 different countries to fight for our future. Our leaders have failed us, and we believe it is necessary to speak up and show solidarity to the cause".

Uni students preparing for Friday's strike action
The UK Student Climate Network also commented on the need for the direct action saying: "Young people across the world have been excluded from participating in the fight against the climate crisis.
"Where the older generations have failed us, we have been left with no choice but to take direct action to fight for Climate Justice."

"Student strike for our future"
Extinction Rebellion York and YouthStrike4Climate York are separate groups, but will both be attending the strike.
Action in York will be pressing for the local council to identify climate change needs to be more included in their policy decisions.
The mass demonstration is set to take place on Friday 15th March from 11am-2pm at St Helen's Square in York city centre.