Supporting other women doesn’t mean we all have to be polite to each other
Tough love, baby
Its time to put the jealousy and hostility aside for a moment and see that we are all humans dealing with our own shit just trying to get by. Women should embrace the fact that everyone is their own person, instead of shitting on them for being who they are.
It’s OK to have differing opinions with other people’s views or beliefs, but it doesn’t mean we should discourage them in being who they are. Why bring somebody down because of their sexual preferences or physical appearance? If I personally don’t like you, it doesn’t mean I’m going to make you feel like shit for being you and doing the things that makes you happy.
I will support my friends through thick and thin, but if I don’t think it’s right I’m not gonna lie and pretend like it’s all good
I’m not going to agree that pursuing a F*ck Boy at the club is a good idea, but I most definitely won’t let a fool come between me and friends. If anything I’ll express how I feel and let it go. I won’t tell you what you want to hear just because it seems like the right thing to do. Being fake amongst other women you don’t like drains you from the person you are. Does it make me look like a shitty friend if I prefer to tell you the ugly truth instead of the foolish lies you tell yourself in order to feel better? Then so be it.
Just because I don’t like you doesn’t mean I want to see you fail
If I don’t like you I probably have my reasons. I’m not going to make it a PSA for the world to know, and I’m not going to intentionally bring another woman down. There’s no reason to bury another woman into the ground just because you’re feeling salty over something out of your control. Women are bound to have their differences but that shouldn’t be a reason to wish the worst for someone.
If I’m hard on you its probably because I’m looking out for you in the long run
“You have to be cruel to be kind.” I can come off as a bit harsh towards the people I care about. Not because I’m a rude-bitch, I just feel like it’s harder to get through to people that you are trying to help when you use sweet talk and pity.
If I’m concerned about something you’re doing and I don’t believe it’s right, I will do whatever it takes to help you see the light. You might not see it at first, but it’s for your own good.
There’s no reason for women to slut shame each other
If you think somebody is a slut – cool story. Nobody cares. I never understood the point in slut shaming. If you’re a girl who is comfortable in your own skin and doing what makes you happy, that’s your business. I’m pretty sure almost every women has been a victim of slut shaming and you shouldn’t take it personally. I think most women do it because it’s an easy way to boost their own confidence while degrading someone else’s character. Its simple really, if you don’t agree with someone’s lifestyle it does not mean you should shame them for doing what makes them happy. Go worry about your own damn life.
More good can come from being real rather than being fake
If you feel differently about something embrace it, don’t hide it.
We live in a world where many women tend to live on the surface. We are fooled into believing that living or acting a certain way is right because we see so many people do it. If you have a problem with someone just don’t fuck with them. Otherwise it makes you look like a shallow bitch acting out in order to hide your own insecurities. Be someone who is strong, independent, confident, and isn’t afraid to stand up for what you believe in. You shouldn’t drown yourself in a world that only looks nice from the outside.
Don’t be another brick in the wall
We shouldn’t put others down for doing what they enjoy, even if we don’t agree. There are gonna be so many things women will disagree on but that’s the interesting part about it all. You might actually learn a thing or two and carry that knowledge with you. Supporting other women and their happiness shouldn’t be spiteful, it should be something enlightening.