Meet Donald Trump’s college fans
‘Our border is a joke and a wall will fix that’
To many people young people, Donald Trump’s movement is terrifying.
Whether they were with him since the beginning, or by process of elimination, Trump has has brought millions of people onto his Trump Train.
Despite saying all the things he’s said, and receiving derision from all sides, his movement is arguably stronger now than it has ever been.
Many peoples’ reaction to hearing that they know someone who supports Trump is “How?” or “Why?”
We asked some of his youngest and best educated supporters – all college kids – to explain why they think he’s the best choice. This is what they said.
Cayley Kammerdeiner, 19, History and Secondary Education
What are the top three reasons why you support Trump?
To be completely honest, the main reason I support him is because we are stuck with two options: Trump or Hillary. It has come to a point where it’s not who you think will do a better job but who you think will do the less damage. The second reason I support Trump is the wall. Some say it’s going to happen, others say it won’t but I’m holding out hope. Our border is a joke and a wall will fix that. Do I believe Mexico is going to pay for it? No. If they cut useless programs and research and save the money from that we should be OK without raising taxes. Lastly, I feel like if he surrounds himself with the right people he might actually prove to be less fatal.
What is your response to criticisms like “he’s a bigot” and “has criticized the presence of big money in government, yet was part of that problem only a year ago”?
He is a bigot. But isn’t every politician? He just doesn’t dance with his words. No politician wants to hear other people’s ideas – it’s there way or the highway. He’s using his own money to fund his campaign which is ever politicians goal because then they don’t owe anyone anything. If you had the ability to influence a politician wouldn’t you? I had a friend who once said “why be a politician when you can own one?”
What is one part of his platform you wish you could change?
He speaks better on a Teleprompter. With a planned speech. It’s the same with Obama. They don’t speak well of the cuff.
Alyssa Grzesiak, 18, Undecided
What are the top three reasons why you support Trump?
Disclaimer: I’m more anti-Hillary than pro-Trump. I agree with the Republican concept that the money we earn is our money and the tax relief for the middle class. I also support the idea of a businessman running the country – I think it could potentially help with our national debt and it shows Trump’s background in management. Thirdly, I agree that the immigration system needs to be improved and updated. I’m not saying that America should kick out immigrants or anything extreme of the sort; I just think that a more modern and active system for allowing entrance to the United States would serve as a relief for people worried about national security and such.
What is your response to criticisms like “he’s a bigot” and “has criticized the presence of big money in government, yet was part of that problem only a year ago”?
He is definitely set in his ways and is reluctant to accept the opinions of others; however, he has inside knowledge to the corporate system and big businesses, so his insight could potentially aid in the reversal of the problem that is big business domination.
What is one part of his platform you wish you could change?
If I could change his platform, I would make his ideas and platform in general less extremist. All of his ideas are radical and, in some cases, ridiculous, but if you get down to the basic issue, there is in fact an issue in his arguments.
Erin Kavusak, 18, Biology
What are the top three reasons why you support Trump?
The first reason I like him is that I like that he doesn’t sugarcoat things and isn’t afraid to speak his mind even though some things can be extreme. Secondly, he doesn’t really have as much baggage as the other candidates and he puts America as a priority. And Honestly, I just think he’s the better option out our all the options we have since I don’t like either of the other candidates. He wasn’t my top choice but compared to the other presidential candidates I think he will do a better job and the least amount of damage.
What is your response to criticisms like “he’s a bigot” and “has criticized the presence of big money in government, yet was part of that problem only a year ago”?
My response to the criticism is well most people in politics are “big money”. Hilary Clinton gets millions in donations and she criticizes big money and turns a blind eye away from people that pay her off to not talk about certain issues (like countries in the Middle East that give donations to the Clinton foundation) which I find hypocritical. Also Donald trump has not held any political positions and hasn’t really done much with politics before so I don’t think he’s really part of the big money in politics problem. Yes he does criticize it even though he is big money, but so does every other politician who is also big money. No politician is “the little guy”, they are all fairly wealthy. As for bigotry, I have no response to defend him.
What is one part of his platform you wish you could change?
I guess one thing I would change is his approach to talking about important issues like the refugee crisis and illegal immigration. If he wasn’t so blunt and maybe explained his positions in a more appropriate way then maybe less people would feel threatened I guess.
Andrew Kielak, 18, Animal Science and Management
What are the top three reasons why you support Trump?
His views on immigration: he’s really strong and upfront about being against illegal immigration, and that means a lot to me. He’s pro-military and stands up for veterans—real heroes. He’s raised money for veterans and actually has the gall to help fix the VA. [Lastly], he’s not under federal investigation, he’s not a socialist, and he stands up for America.
What is your response to criticisms like “he’s a bigot” and “has criticized the presence of big money in government, yet was part of that problem only a year ago”?
He criticizes those who go after him first. He doesn’t take crap from anyone, male or female. And there’s nothing wrong with being against illegal immigrants. Last time I checked, “illegal” isn’t a race. He knows the problems are and how they can be fixed. If one doesn’t know the problem, how can they begin to fix it?
What is one part of his platform you wish you could change?
I wish he didn’t deny climate change, that’s about it.
Tyler Keene, 20, Firefighter/EMT
What are the top three reasons why you support Trump?
His attitude is as tough as nails. He would rather be brutally honest as opposed to being politically correct. He is a nationalist, not a globalist. He thinks our country should come first and our borders need to be enforced. Trump is the only candidate who has employed anyone, and the only one with experience in international trade.
What is your response to criticisms like “he’s a bigot” and “has criticized the presence of big money in government, yet was part of that problem only a year ago”?
Trump isn’t a bigot, nor is he racist. He only has a problem with people that are here illegally or people that could potentially commit acts of terror. Trump isn’t a candidate that’s in it for money or power, he already has both. I’m certain that he has America’s best interest at heart.
What is one part of his platform you wish you could change?
Trump has an excellent plan. But I would prefer him to be more pro-LGBT and more pro-gun than he already is.