You can’t depend on good luck for happiness
‘I’ve chosen to live for the people I’ve lost, by living for myself’
Life has a way of planning shit out when we least expect it. There is no explanation for why things happen the way they do. When something that we’d rather avoid happens, we automatically ask ourselves “Why?” We hold on to the issue of why it’s happening and how inconvenient it is, instead of recognizing that life just occurs. Thinking about the problem never actually solves the problem.
Since we cannot change external circumstances, the only logical thing to do is to remember to not feel negative about them. My happiness has nothing to do with good fortune. I’m happy because of the way I choose to respond when things around me go to shit.
Being salty and feeling negative got me nowhere
When an unfortunate circumstance buds into my carefree world, I automatically question it. I tend to ask myself what I’ve done to deserve such a shitty outcome. Every time I stress about something out of my control it ends up eating away at my character–along with my happiness.
When life decides to not work in your favor it affects your entire mood and behavior. I think most people hold grudges over things that have happened in the past, because feeling something might be better than feeling nothing. It might be easier to feel resentful towards someone who did you wrong, but realistically all that does is stop you from moving forward with yourself. I’m not saying to forgive everyone that’s ever fucked you over. Just don’t carry the unnecessary bullshit that comes with it.
It was easier to be angry at the world whenever I was in serious trouble, or angry at the police officer that should have saved my friend when he was drowning. The only way I was able to transition from feeling shitty all the time was by accepting that things happen.
Why stress over shit you can’t change?
It sounds easy to realize that unnecessary shit happens all the time, but for some reason I’ve noticed that we have a tendency to dwell on what’s already happened. This essentially is what holds us back from what is to come. When I look back on the choices I’ve made in the past, I know there are things I could have done differently, but I’m still thankful they happened. Instead of letting shitty circumstances drive me insane, I choose to move on and accept what’s done. I focus on maintaining a positive mindset and looking forward to what’s next. I think people forget that shit happens for no reason. We’d have a clearer conscious if people stopped worrying about things that happened in the past, and stop obsessing over things they can’t change.
Life will ‘happen’ when you least expect it.
When something awful unexpectedly happens I usually doubt the world. When I lost someone I loved in such a tragic way, the first thing I thought was “how could this terrible thing have happened?” I blamed the corrupted legal system, the world, God, and anything that gave me a reason to be angry. Accepting something so devastating wasn’t an option for me. I let my frustration get the best of me to the point where I lost hope in many things.
While I was sitting around planning shit out, life was already happening. Life was taking away someone I loved. There’s no explanation for why things happen the way they do–happiness isn’t always part of what’s happening.
We can’t change what has happened,but we can choose not to be negative about it
Instead of focusing all of my energy on the bad fortunes life has hit me with, I know that staying positive is the only way to feel sane. I have chosen to move forward from it all, even during the worst of times. I’ve started to appreciate what I have, and understand that the good stuff doesn’t always last forever. The only control I have of my life is to look inward. I’ve chosen to live for the things and people I’ve lost, by living for myself. I’ve chosen to accept all the unfortunate outcomes that stumble into my life. I’ve chosen to walk a path that will free me from a negative mind.