These are the most influential babes this week
These girls know
This week the UK saw Vogue publish its first “real women” campaign and a whole lot of support for Kim Kardashian after she was victim blamed for being robbed. We’ve celebrated a lot of success for girls everywhere this week, but here’s a run down of this week’s the most inspirational babes of the world:
Hillary Clinton
Continuing on her campaign trail, Hillary spoke at a community center this week in Haverford, Pa, where she shut down Trump’s body shaming again. She had already called him out in a campaign ad for making literally every woman feel like crap, but she continued the dialogue this week and stood up for women everywhere.
Brooke Blair
Another week, another little girl tearing into some sort of injustice for babes everywhere. A video of Brooke Blair went viral this week with her tearing into Theresa May, the UK Prime Minister on the topic of the state of homelessness in the UK.
She said: “Look, I’m only five years old, there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m saving up money and there’ll never be enough.”
Loey Lane
Loey Lane is a fashion vlogger who a lot of people know for she posting a video of herself wearing a bikini that inspired by Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
This week Loey Lane spoke out to Disney to encourage them to create a plus-size princess. In a video by Cosmo, she said: “We can’t all look exactly the same and that’s a huge reason why I think it’s so important for there to be more diversity in everything that young girls and boys consume.”
Brennan Leach
Relatively unknown to people outside of Haverford before this week, Brennan Leach made herself known to the world this week when she pointed out the damage that Donald Trump has done to normal girls at her school. The 15-year-old asked Hillary Clinton to help girls to realize “that they are so much more than just what they look like”.
With a whole lot of courage she said: “at my school, body image is a really big issue for girls my age. I see with my own eyes the damage Donald Trump does when he talks about women and how they look.”
Fadumo Dayib
Fadumo Dayib should be an inspiration to women everywhere – she’s Somalia’s first female presidential candidate and she used to be a refugee. She has two master’s degrees including from Harvard in public administration, stands up for women’s rights and has lived to tell a ridiculous number of tails.
Fadumo Dayib is now returning to Somalia to run for president, after feeling she “had to do something” for her country.
Marta Lempart
This Monday was Black Monday in Poland as thousands of women dressed in black took to the streets of over 60 Polish cities to protest planned abortion legislation. Building on their already strict abortion laws, the Polish government announced proposals to ban abortion which led to the strong women of Poland protesting their government’s decisions.
The idea was first drawn up by Marta Lempart who said: “I’ve met dozens of wonderful, brave and wise women and men. I’ve received thousands of supportive messages from people involved in the strike. Whatever happens, no one can take that away from me.”
Demi Lovato
Love her or hate her, Demi’s back with more stick for fellow celebs, but it’s all pretty true and she said everything she had to say with fervor.
Standing up for girls and the ideal “look” Demi spoke out in an interview this week. Apparently referring to Taylor Swift’s group of friends, Demi said: “This will probably get me in trouble, but I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body. It’s kind of this false image of what people should look like.”
She also hit back at the haters on Twitter, later announcing she would be leaving Twitter altogether.