It wasn’t all bad: Here is every single meme of 2016
Literally the only good things about this shit year
This year was the most trash yet, and we got through it only by the power of memes. In what might be our life’s work, The Tab has searched the darkest, weirdest corners of the Internet to bring you every single meme of 2016.
Irreverent Memes
These are the memes that have no purpose, no meaning, no gods, no masters. They mean nothing and everything and can be applied to any situation in their bizarre absurdity.
Dat Boi
Dat Boi might just be the purest meme ever created, our last frog stalwart meme in the face of the alt-right. Dat Boi is just here to have a good time.
Wow, Queen
If this drawing makes you want to throw your computer off a waterfall, you’re in great company. I don’t know what demon made Max’s love interest thiq and wearing a Thrasher shirt, but at least we have the phrase “Wow, queen” now.
Haters Will Say It’s Fake
Go meta and apply this to hyper real situations. Tweet a pic of your nachos and insist that haters will say it’s fake smh.
Nut Button
This Guy Slaps Your Girl’s Ass, WYD
You See This Girl Boiling A Sandwich, WYD
But what would you do tho?
Don’t Talk To Me Or My Son Ever Again
The AC Is On And He’s Listening To His Favorite Music
The Succ
This meme was given new life thanks to the iconic variation meme “She succ me” and it was even transformed into a shitpost movement, Zucc.
Political Memes
2016 politics were literally the bloated, waterlogged corpse of democracy but at least we got some amazing memes out of it. I wonder if we’ll be allowed to look at memes in President Trump’s labor camps?
Bernie vs. Hillary
Sexist? Maybe a little, but tell me Hillary wouldn’t say “put ya hand out” when you ask for some of her Cheetos. My boy Bernie would just pass you the bag.
Ted Cruz Zodiac Killer
Spicy Boi
Melania Trump
Sugar Baby Queen Melania spawned approximately four different memes this year, her most prolific being “Hello” and Copying Michelle. This might be the most interesting thing she’s ever done.
Spongebob Memes
Spongebob was the most iconic television series of this millennia so it makes sense that it would inspire oodles of pleasant, relatable memes. Actually, I think Spongebob memes are the only reason our civilization is still standing.
The Krusty Krab Is Unfair
Spoons Rattling
The physical return of Christ can be found in a warped image of Spongebob from the cult classic Krusty Krab Pizza episode.
Squidward Dab
Mr. Krabs
This was the most popular meme of 2016, hands down. Everyone could relate the all-consuming since of panic and confusion because that’s basically our permanent state now.
Primitive Sponge
Halsey Lyrics/SpongeBob
Taking the piss out of Halsey’s corny ass lyrics is god’s work.
*Breathe In* BOI
Pop Culture Memes
I guess if anything, it was a good year for pop cuture. We were blessed with Lemonade, Coloring Book, Glory (#BuyGloryOniTunes) and lots of memes about the people who made them.
Arthur Fist
Second only to Mr. Krabs, Arthur dominated our TLs and we were pretty OK with it. PBS was pretty pissed, though.
Other Assorted Arthur Memes
Tom Creeping
Jared Leto/Joker
“Welcome to my sick, twisted mind” — Jared Leto’s LiveJournal probably. After a quote about Leto‘s Hot Topic ass behavior from Suicide Squad director David Ayer went viral, it was only a matter of time before the Internet dragged him.
Run Away With Me
Titties Out, Got My Coin
What Do I Look Like I Do For A Living?
*Record Scratch* Yep, That’s Me
Petty Memes
Either we all realized our petty potential this year or we’ve always been this down-low dirty and never organized. Whichever way it happened, thank god it did because now we’re blessed by a glorious collection of shady memes.
Skai Jackson Petty
Joanne The Scammer
Enjoy the stylings of Joanne The Scammer from the comforts of your caucasian home. Some heroes wear fur coats.
Beyonce Sitting Petty
She Doesn’t Have The Range
The most glorious takedown of your faves, arranged into one glorious Twitter thread and spawned the greatest new insult ever. My ex’s new girl? She simply doesn’t have the range.
Math Lady
‘Me AF’ Memes
We’re a selfish, self-interested generation so memes that make us go “same” have a special place in our roundup. We are all Honey Bun Baby. We are all Evil Kermit. We are all a scared blonde girl in the mosh pit of life. Same.
Honey Bun Baby
Me, Life, God, Mental Illness, Etc.
Suicidal memes have been an ever-present staple in the year’s meme oeuvre. Whether they’re indicative of a bigger problem or just a way of coping with mental illness is an issue that needs to be discussed but for now, just enjoy the relatable af memes.
Tag Yourself
Tag yourself, I’m xX_D4T_801_Xx.
Evil Kermit
The Guys She Told You Not To Worry About
Whip, Volume Up
You can physically feel the bass through this picture.
You: ___ Me, An Intellectual: ____
Scared Girl At Concert
This year is the mosh pit, I’m the girl and the drinks she’s clutching is my will to live.
Crying, Nodding, Realizing
[In Spanish]
Telenovela star Soraya Montenegro is better than you in Spanish.
Shitpost Memes
None of this means anything. This is the dark-sided, corruptible and significantly worse version of Irreverent Memes. Shitposting is an art, true, but one that few have mastered.
Be Careful Who You Call Ugly In Middle School
Remember ____? This Is Him Now
Beans looks terrible now.
Deadass, B
I’m Sorry I Can’t Be Her
For girls who like terrorizing their boyfriends and picking fights for no reason (@me).
I Can Be Your Angle Or Devil
Mainstream Memes
Even your teachers knew about these memes and would try to reference them to seem *~*~oN fLeEk~*~* to the hip teens and their dank memes. When left in the hands of the masses, they can become terrible. But there are a few holdouts.
Conceited’s Face
Battle rapper Conceited’s “mmmm :/” is all of us.
Something To Take The Edge Off
Haven’t Heard That Name In Years
*Does ___ Once*
Da’Vonne Rogers
The Big Brother star became an internet icon with the help of one savvy GIFer.
Trash Memes
Delete these trash memes. These are the memes who can’t sit with us, the memes that your lame ass middle school friend tries to share on FB. Avoid them at all costs.
If A Dog Wore Pants
Bone Apple Teeth, et all
Bee Movie Faster Each Time
Kardashian Memes
Unsurprisingly, the Kardashians completely dominated meme culture this year. Whether they started them intentionally, through their show or with the help of their fans, it was impossible to open your TL without facing a K Meme.
Taylor Swift Is A Snake
Blac Chyna Yelling Into Phone
Yes, some called her crazy. But who among us haven’t shrieked at our boyfriends on speaker phone? Glass houses, y’all.
Name A More Iconic Duo
Inspired by a well-meaning tweet, it was quickly corrupted into a shitposter’s paradise. Now it’s also a super popular Instagram caption. Name a more iconic meme. I’ll wait.
Kris Jenner Reactions
Excluded From This Narrative
The second meme casualty from Kim’s scalping of Snakelor Swift.
I’m Dropping Hints That I’m Single
Year Of Realizing
A prophecy none of us took seriously.
Celebrity Memes
Finally, we come to celebrity memes. They’re meme bread and butter if you will, the never-ending fountain from which we source our freshest memes. Part tribute, part mockery, all wonderful.
Birdman Respek
Drake Sitting On Things
Carly Rae Jepsen, Queen Of _____
Another pure meme, consisting solely of insisting that Carly Slae Livinglegensen is the queen of everything in her pictures. And she is.
Phelps Face
Wendy Williams
So many absurd Wendy William’s reaction faces, so little time to make them into Tumblr posts about giving killer clown the succ.
Oprah In The Bath
Young Metro Don’t Trust ___
J. Cole Went Platinum With No Features
Usain Bolt
The final component of the pure meme trifecta. Usain is running away from the negativity and realizations of 2016 and into the optimism of 2017.