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Neo-Nazis are planning a rally at the University of North Florida

It’s being held for the former Grand Dragon of the KKK

A group of Neo-Nazis are organizing a rally at the University of North Florida in support of one of their members.

Ken Parker, the former Grand Dragon of the KKK and a current Neo-Nazi, was exposed by The Tab as a UNF student last month.

He was suspended for threatening a student this week – he posed in topless in his bathroom mirror, holding a rifle as he talked about confronting his classmates.

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Ken Parker (image courtesy of Folio Weekly Magazine)

Parker is appealing his suspension and meeting with UNF's President this coming Monday. His Neo-Nazi supporters are organizing a rally for him at the same time.

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Crystal Ann Moore is Ken Parker's fiancé

Speaking to The Tab, Parker confirmed a protest was in the works, although he declined to comment further.

A counter-protest is set to take place, as students are campaigning for Parker to be permanently kicked out.

A spokesperson for the organizers, Students for a Democratic Society, said: "SDS will be there in support to speak out against Nazis and let them know that they are not and will never be welcomed at UNF."

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Ken Parker (image courtesy of Folio Weekly Magazine)

A reminder: Parker thinks the Holocaust never happened and wants to stop interracial dating.

UNF President John Delaney said:

" I understand the situation is upsetting and frightening to many students, faculty staff and parents. In fact, all of the vice presidents and I have been responding to students, parents, staff and faculty, and the pain as well as the fear is palpable and actually emotionally draining to witness. I wish I had a magic wand that could address all of that and could solve the historic problems of racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, etc. I really wish that we could take away the pain and fear."

He explained UNF will have extra police on campus throughout the day.