Neo-Nazis are planning a rally at the University of North Florida
It’s being held for the former Grand Dragon of the KKK
A group of Neo-Nazis are organizing a rally at the University of North Florida in support of one of their members.
Ken Parker, the former Grand Dragon of the KKK and a current Neo-Nazi, was exposed by The Tab as a UNF student last month.
He was suspended for threatening a student this week – he posed in topless in his bathroom mirror, holding a rifle as he talked about confronting his classmates.

Ken Parker (image courtesy of Folio Weekly Magazine)
Parker is appealing his suspension and meeting with UNF's President this coming Monday. His Neo-Nazi supporters are organizing a rally for him at the same time.

Crystal Ann Moore is Ken Parker's fiancé
Speaking to The Tab, Parker confirmed a protest was in the works, although he declined to comment further.
A counter-protest is set to take place, as students are campaigning for Parker to be permanently kicked out.
A spokesperson for the organizers, Students for a Democratic Society, said: "SDS will be there in support to speak out against Nazis and let them know that they are not and will never be welcomed at UNF."

Ken Parker (image courtesy of Folio Weekly Magazine)
A reminder: Parker thinks the Holocaust never happened and wants to stop interracial dating.
UNF President John Delaney said:
" I understand the situation is upsetting and frightening to many students, faculty staff and parents. In fact, all of the vice presidents and I have been responding to students, parents, staff and faculty, and the pain as well as the fear is palpable and actually emotionally draining to witness. I wish I had a magic wand that could address all of that and could solve the historic problems of racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, etc. I really wish that we could take away the pain and fear."
He explained UNF will have extra police on campus throughout the day.