There is no sex trafficking Bible group trying to kidnap you from campus, it’s just a Korean church

The PSAs circulated are completely untrue


The rumors you've been hearing about a "sex trafficking Bible group" operating on your campus are false, The Tab can confirm.

False PSAs are circulating across the country with the same variant of a bogus story involving a religious group called "God the Mother."

The reports all involve details along the lines of: a group tries to invite you a Bible study, but they actually want to kidnap you for sex trafficking. The same rumor has made its frantic way through college campuses throughout America.

A typical post reads: "My friend's sister got approached on campus Yesterday. There were two ladies asking her about her beliefs on god and they tried to get her to 'hang out' with her. THEY WERE ABDUCTORS FOR SEX TRAFFICKING."

This would be terrifying, if it were true. But it's not. There is no sinister sex trafficking group going from college to college – it's just a religious organization called the World Mission Society Church of God. They're originally Korean, and have branches across the US.

Given how the PSAs from terrified students are all identical, there is no way of verifying that these scam encounters even took place, let alone involved sex trafficking.

Police have confirmed the rumors were false – there is no credible threat that this church is involved in human trafficking.

“We have investigated this complaint and have found nothing to substantiate that this group is or has been involved in any criminal activity,” cops in Lexington, Kentucky said.

The church even released a statement to deny that they were involved in the illegal sex trade, announcing:

"Recently, we were made aware of a social media post in which someone appears to accuse the Church and its members of being linked to a ring of sex/human trafficking. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are a church of Christian love and denounce any such activities wherever they may be carried out."

They're definitely less sinister than your regular campus preacher weirdos trying to convince you jacking off is going to send you to hell.

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