I went undercover to see what BU students think of BC
‘Fratty, white guys in pink polos’
This Saturday, a few of my roommates and I did something unspeakable for BC students: we took the B-line to Boston University.
I was interested in finding out what our rival school thought of my beloved Boston College students.
What they said wasn’t pretty – and made it clear they really do go to a safety school.
Sophomores Alex, Business and Ernie, Film and Advertising
What is the first word that comes to your head when you hear Boston College?
Alex: “Sucks.”
Ernie: “Snobby.”
How would you describe the typical BC student?
“The general consensus is that they’re stuck up.”
What do you think of the typical BU students?
“Intelligent, innovative, leaders, and creative. Everyone here is the best.”
Which parties are better, BU or BC?
“Probably BU… but to be fair I’ve never been to a party at BU or BC.”
Alana, Junior, Psychology
What is the first word that comes to mind when someone says Boston College?
Have you been to a BC party? If so, who has better parties and why?
“I have been to a BC party. There is more dancing at BU parties. I would say that they are equally social though.”
Sam, Sophomore, Finance
What is the first word that you think of when someone says Boston College?
Compare the typical BU student to the typical BU student.
“A BU student tends to be more hipster and diverse. We all have different styles. I think BC students are preppier and less open to diversity.”
I asked Sam who is in a fraternity at BU about their parties:
“There is always a theme. It’s usually the same people broken into the same few groups.”
Tim, Freshman, Astronomy and Physics
What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear Boston College?
Describe the typical BC student.
“Super preppy.”
Describe the typical BU student.
“More all around, unique students. It’s hard to put us all into one category.”
Grant Eberst, Freshman, Environmental Science
What’s the first word that comes to mind when you hear Boston College?
Describe the typical Boston University student.
Describe the typical BC student.
“Preppy, but not overly preppy.”
Compare BU and BC social life.
“I’ve been to one BC party and got kicked out really fast… At BU it’s harder to find parties, but once you’re in everyone is friendly.”
Niyati, Freshman, Physical Therapy
What’s the first word that comes to mind when you hear Boston College?
Describe the typical Boston University student.
“Nice and diverse.”
Describe the social scene at BC and BU.
“My brother has a mod, so I think BC parties are better. I knew more people at the mod party.”
Sarah, Junior, Linguistics and International Relations
What’s the first word that comes to mind when you hear Boston College?
Describe the typical BU student.
“Internationally minded.”
Describe the typical BC student.
Compare BU and BC parties.
“BC seems to have more mixers and parties related to sports events. BU has more house parties.”
Cristina, Senior Exchange Student, Economics
What’s the first word that comes to mind when you hear Boston College?
Describe the typical BU student.
“Not exactly nerdy, but responsible and organized.”
Describe the typical BC student.
“Pretty similar to BU students, but maybe more relaxed.”
Describe the social scene at BU and BC.
“I have never been to BC. I go to TITS and other bars. I have been to a few frat parties, but I don’t really like them.”
Juniors John and Raphael, Kyle, Senior, Computer Science
What is the first word that comes to mind when you hear Boston College?
“Football, Eagles, and Hockey.”
Describe the typical BU student.
“Depends on the college. The colleges are all so different. The School of Management students are always well dressed and lighting cigarettes.”
Describe the typical BC student.
“Friendly and nice. They wear a lot of school sweatshirts and sweatpants. BC has a lot more school spirit.”
Compare BC and BU parties.
“BC parties are more fun, but BU is more wild. BU doesn’t really like the frat scene and it’s all in Allston. There are also apartments near there. It is a bit friendlier at BC and they are more controlled/reserved. BC can register parties if they tell an RA and we can’t do that here.”
Juniors Maegan, Chemistry and Andrea, Business
Describe the typical BC student.
“Fratty, white guys in pink polos.”
Describe the typical BU student.
“We are so diverse and different. Most people I know are usually complaining about chemistry.”
Compare Boston College and Boston University.
“At BC there is a lot less people walking around. It was pretty hard to ask for directions. The BC parties were fun though. Most parties here at BU are in Allston and are pretty similar.”
Dee Daniels, Senior, Journalism and minor in French
What’s the first thing you think of when you hear Boston College?
“Far away.”
Describe the typical BU student.
“There isn’t one. We share ambition for good grades and are obsessed with finding our spot here. Everyone is trying to find their place in the BU community. It’s very urban too.”
Describe the typical BC student.
“Very college-like. The definition of an American college art type like what’s shown in the movies. More traditional. More hanging out in a quad.”
Describe the social scene at BU versus at BC.
“There are so many different scenes at BU. The dorm room parties at BU and BC are very similar. We can’t register parties here, so BC can be a lot louder.
“I’ve also noticed that there are different conversations at parties. Students at BU talk about controversial topics and have arguments when they’re drunk and I didn’t hear anything like that at BC.”