Boston College students are among the most sleep deprived in the country
Clearly a strong correlation to Late Nite hours of operation
Jawbone, a the fitness monitor, came out yesterday with a fascinating study of student sleep habits across the country. Boston College is one of the schools studied along with hundreds of others such as BU, USC, and Duke.
From surveying the students from over 100 universities, Jawbone examined 1.4 million nights of sleep. They tracked total hours of sleep, waketime, bedtime and steps during both the week and weekend.
Quick aside — even though BU is a significantly larger campus then us, they take only 200 more steps during the week. (Quick shoutout to the Million Dollar Stairs).
Boston College student’s sleep patterns tracked by Jawbone
Boston College students take way more steps, sleep and wake up later and get more total hours of sleep on the week days than other colleges. On the weekdays we average 7 hours, 6 minutes of sleep and on the weekends we get almost an extra fifteen minutes. We don’t like to treat ourselves too much.
Yet, we sleep almost twenty minutes more during the weekday when comparing ourselves to other universities in North Carolina, like Duke and UNC.
Jawbone discovered that “on weeknights women go to sleep on average at 12:23 AM and wake up at 8:09 AM, while men go to bed 39 minutes later and sleep for 22 more minutes. On weekends the effect is even larger: women go to bed at 1:01am on average and wake up at 9:07am, with men going to sleep 42 minutes later and sleeping in 28 minutes more.”
School ranking and sleep patterns are closely related
Jawbone also examined how sleeping habits were correlated to ranking, based off the US News and World Report. The report concluded: “There is a strong relationship between a school’s average bedtime on weeknights and their US News and World Report’s 2016 college ranking. The tougher the school, the later the students go to bed.”
Though not indicated on the graph above, our bedtime and ranking places us close to William and Mary, and unfortunately, BU.
Jawbone added: “Good sleep is strongly linked to learning, memory, creativity, and problem-solving. However, poor sleep habits notoriously plague college and university students, depriving them of performing their best when it matters the most.”
However, with the semester coming to an end and finals coming up, I think there will be some changes in the sleeping habits.