Brown is in the top 0.2% in the WORLD for English, Development, History, Maths and Sociology
Mom, Dad, I made it
Brown is in the Top 50 in the world for five subjects according to new university rankings.
We rank highest in Development studies and English, where we placed 25th and 36th respectively.
What’s more, in every high ranking subject we improved from last year, with the most drastic leap in History where we went from the Top 100 to 49th.
It’s always good to have some sense of where your school ranks in the world for when your conservative grandmother is passive-aggressively discrediting your Brown education.
QS Top Universities ranks where the world’s best schools stand on a variety of different subjects, and unsurprisingly our alma mater ranks pretty high up.
Brown ranks in the top 100 worldwide in Anthropology, as well as in Art & Design with RISD on the same hill. We cracked the top 50 in Archaeology and History, ranking 49th in both fields. Sociology jumped out of the top 100 to land at number 40 in the 2017 rankings, while Math sits at 38.
Our top subjects according to these ranking are English, which sits at number 36 worldwide, and Development Studies which lands at the number 25 spot this year.
Good job Brunos.