Did you actually watch the marathon on Monday?
‘If watching people run from the cops counts, then yes’
I don’t know if you heard, but yesterday was Marathon Monday.
It was a day where you probably woke up the earliest you have all year and you spent a little too much time roaming the streets of Allston. The entire reason we didn’t have class was because there was a marathon happening, so did you even watch it? The Tab asked some BU students and this is what they had to say:
“Wait, there was a race going on yesterday?” – Ken Mackin: Boardwalk Properties
“Oh, is that why we didn’t have class yesterday?” – Lara Welch
“Nope, didn’t quite make it.” – Jackie Loring
“No, I was too deep into Allston.” – Sydney Narvaez
“I camped out in Allston for four hours until I was informed that the runners’ route was indeed NOT down Ashford Street” – Harry Perrault
“I was on my way to watch it, but then I fell out of a bouncy house, smacked my head on the concrete and got a concussion.” – Alex Gold
“The only marathon I saw was the police competing on how many parties they can shut down.” – Marwan Sallam
“I was more interested in a different kind of marathon. It included a beer funnel.” – Liz Weinstein
“I thought about going to check out the marathon, but by the time I left Allston, the only thing I wanted to do was pass out in bed.” – Lexa Marie
“When I was walking home and analyzing all my regrets, I realized I could see the race from my apartment.” – Mariana Cardenas
“No, but my fraternity brothers and I enjoyed the day following all federal, state, and municipal laws.” – Pranav Ramineni
“No, but I made $26.2 million yesterday.” – Boston University
Close enough
“If watching people run from the cops counts, then yes.” – Kalli Richmond
“I watched the marathon of people in Allston through my beer goggles.” – Ethan Brin
“No, but I probably walked 26.2 miles myself… or crawled.” – Kaitlyn Hirsch
“Yes, and walking a mile to see the people finishing their 26.2 mile run felt like a marathon itself.” – Will Lambert
“I watched it for a minute, got bored, and went home.” – Sedrick Wali
“Yeah. Well, I watched it from the inside of UBurger.” – Maddie Cohen
“Yes, but later though like at 3 or 4pm.” – Rebekka Brick
Ok, well maybe next year.