HungryBuffs is the most dependable, consistent person in our lives
Because food will always be there when humans are not
While I am sure that there are many different variations of an online food delivery site for most college campuses, HungryBuffs has honestly been the most dependable friend for every student at CU Boulder. Here’s exactly why it’s the true bae.
Can’t beat late night hours
“I am not going to late night eat, I am not going to late night eat,” you repeat to yourself while you’re out. And sure, you may make it to your room without clutching onto a bag of Illegal Pete’s (I promise guacamole is healthy), but that does not mean the battle is over. While falling asleep to an old episode of Gossip Girl at 2am, your hand uncontrollably scrolls over what is available on HungryBuffs. And trust me, there will more food options than you think at this hour.
It’s automatically connected to your credit card
Okay, this is definitely a double-edged sword. While trying to show your parents you can live with a proper budget and do not need to go overboard with the spending, HungryBuffs is automatically connected to any form of payment you put in so there is no need to re-add it. This may result in a few, “you’re cut off,” or my personal favorite, “How do you spend this much money on food,” texts from the rents, but hey, you are a hungry Buff.
There’s need to leave your dorm
So you saw last week’s hookup while trying to get a slice of Boss Lady, and obviously an oversized teal sweatshirt and pajama shorts are not the most flattering outfit, so you quickly scurried back to your room. The great thing about HungryBuffs is that you do not need to have any awkward encounters when you are feeling like a whale anytime of the week. Simply sit on your bed, or desk while pretending to be productive so your roommate does not judge you, and wait for your delivery.
They’ll fulfill all your hopes and dreams
Trying to pretend that your sushi burrito is healthy and want to add brown rice? Sure, there may be a three dollar extra charge but HungryBuffs makes any request easy by adding a notes section in all orders. Want the delivery guy to knock on the side door so you can avoid as many people as possible? Easy.
Cut out the human interaction
Whether you lost your voice from belting out “Stacy’s Mom” last night while out, or you are simply too awkward to order two servings of dumplings, there is no need to possibly have a voice crack or mumble your personal meal that could feed a family of five, because this amazing site is all online.
You always know where your order’s at
Kevin the delivery guy was supposed to be here two minutes ago, but you do not want to look like a psychopath by calling to notify him that he is 120 seconds late. HungryBuffs allows you to track your order on the site, showing when the driver picks up your food, to when they are on their way, so you can remember to put on pants before getting the door.
They’re always treating you to special deals
While scrolling down the site’s food options, HungryBuffs gives special deals for the week, so you do not feel as bad about ordering $50 of Chinese food. Their fried rice was on sale, so you are basically saving money by ordering it.
Any time of the day, any possible mood you are in, HungryBuffs is there for you. Sad? A delivery of two pints of Ben and Jerry’s will be there in thirty minutes. Happy? A delivery of two pints of Ben and Jerry’s will still be there in thirty minutes. This site is the most reliable friend any CU student will have, and will always be loyal to any food emergencies.