How to stay in shape at CU Boulder
Because Spring Break is right around the corner
Despite the fact that it is currently sweater weather in Boulderland, taking a pass on the gym because of a snowfall is not the greatest idea. Before you know it, it will be time to head home again for Spring Break which is why it’s important to stay in shape and not have to avoid the beach at home in sweatpants because of the third chin gained at school.
Plan Meals Ahead
By this I do not mean a full throttle “meal prep” for the entire week, but packing a Kind Bar in your backpack to eat between classes will definitely be more beneficial than shoving an Illegal Pete’s burrito down your throat after your 2pm class.
Do NOT bring any money out
No, there is most likely not going to be an “emergency situation” where you will need $20 at 2am. This money will end up being spent on one, maybe two (if you are feeling wild) slices of Boss Lady.
Speaking of which, DO NOT late night eat
Despite the fact that you are starving and a burrito bowl is “kind of healthy because of guacamole,” eating throughout the day is a must, especially before going out so you can avoid a 2am Jimmy John’s sandwich.
Try on clothes
No, do not simply pack all of your jean shorts for spring break assuming they will fit despite the fact that they have not been worn since the first week of school. Trying on jeans is a good way to have some sort of grip on whether or not you have gained the freshman 15 (or sophomore 20, junior 30, senior 40… you get it).
Use HungryBuffs as a last resort
It is understandable that you are swamped with homework and your fridge has nothing but mayonnaise. In an ideal situation, every fridge would be stocked with food at all times, yet this is rarely the case, especially for college students.
(Spray) Tan
This may seem a little bit strange, but a nice tan (whether it is real or not) will cure any winter blues. If your confidence is in the gutters despite dieting for a whole two days, head over to Aspen Tan for a level two bronze.
Schedule workouts
Whether you have an hour in between classes or have to wake up a little bit earlier than usual, planning a time to go to the gym is a must. The reason why fitting a workout into your schedule a few times a week is so vital is because it will force you to go instead of putting off the needed cardio. If you want to mix it up, hiking can be a great weekend activity.
Walking to class does not count as exercising
Sure, walking from the Education Building to Math 100 is a slight trek, but unfortunately it does not count as a legitimate workout. Also, Ubering to class is frowned upon.
Despite the fact that you may be drowning in homework, it is also important to use exercise as a stress reliever and a way to not have to buy a new wardrobe right before coming home for spring break.