The ultimate guide to the perfect 4/20

The sun is blazing and so am I

Go out and celebrate this glorious holiday the right way. This guide will guarantee an amazing 4/20 for you and your buds (fuck yeah that pun was intended).

Food and drinks

Having a sesh without food is like trying to make plans in a group chat. It’s just not possible. Grab your favorite foods and have them ready so once the munchies hit ‘High You’ can thank ‘Sober You’. Also bring some drinks. No one likes cotton mouth. Not even Satan.

A bumpin’ playlist

Music just sounds better when you’re high. It’s a proven fact. Whether it’s John Mayer fucking your ears tenderly, or Flying Lotus taking you on a spiritual journey of self-realization, there’s no doubt music takes control. A bumpin’ playlist is a must have.


One of the worst things while being high is having to endure harsh light. Not only does it protect your sensitive eyes, but it also makes you feel like The Terminator. Find a pair of sunglasses and start a new life in the shade.

Bean bag chairs

Imagine quicksand without the whole death part. That’s what a bean bag chair feels like when you’re high. Once you sit down, you become one with the chair. Kind of like the movie Avatar. Where they put their dick-like ponytails in everything you can possibly think of. Really? Not a single person questioned this? You a freak, James Cameron. Be careful though, bean bag chairs are notorious for making their “victim” fall into a slumber so deep, not even their friends can pull them out. *cough Matt cough*.


Speaking about Avatar, that brings me to my next point. The fifth must-have is a dope selection of movies. Everything looks great while high and that includes movies. Inception, The Revenant, and Nacho Libre are a few of my favorites. Just make sure it’s as HD as possible and get prepared for a good time.


Find all the lighters you can, and bring them. Lighters are better at getting lost and hiding than Osama Bin Laden. The more lighters you have present, the less chance of needing to put everything on hold to start an hour long expedition for the lost lighter.

Papers, pieces, and bong

Roll up a few, pack some fat bowls, and have everything circling like the fucking Solar System. Everyone should be holding something that is emitting smoke. No exceptions.


Obviously don’t forget the most important item, weed. It’s 4/20. Splurge a little and move up from those shitty mids you’ve been smoking all year. Make sure you put some in or at least throw down 5 to 7 dollars.

Florida State University