Florida State street style spotlight

‘Gucci mindset, Zara budget’

There are two types of people on campus: Those who wear actual clothes, and everybody else. (Dude in the high school cross-country t-shirt and pajama pants, I see you.) To give these over-achievers some credit, here are a few of the most stylish people on campus. After all, it takes major strength to opt for a chiffon skirt when yoga pants are batting their eyelashes just inches away.

Millie Leads, Junior, Retail Merchandising and Product Development

Your style in two words: Urban, polished

Style inspiration: Chiara Ferragni

Favorite place to get your clothes: Zara

When you first started becoming aware of your style: In second grade, my mom picked out an outfit for me to wear for school pictures and I refused to wear it, and I just picked out my own outfit

Go-to look: Boyfriend jeans, some type of sneaker, and either a graphic tee or some type of crop

Patrick Tomboles, Senior, Retail Merchandising and Product Development

Your style in two words: Chill, chic

Style inspiration: Kurt Cobain and Fucci

Favorite place to get your clothes: Gucci mindset, Zara budget

When you first start becoming aware of your style: When I was six years old, I used to wear a red bandana around my head everywhere I went and would never take it off, ever

Go-to look: Gucci loafers, chinos, and an unbuttoned silk blouse

Lavonda Dean, Sophomore, Marketing

Your style in two words: Whatever-I-feel-like-wearing, casual

Style inspiration: My mood

Favorite place to get your clothes: Forever 21 and Goodwill

When you first start becoming aware of your style: When I was seven years old

Go-to look: jeans, t-shirt, cute jacket

Joaquin Zubieta, Junior, International Affairs and Political Science

Your style in two words: simple, old-school

Style inspiration: James Dean and steve McQueen

Favorite place to get your clothes: American eagle

When you first started becoming aware of your style: When I was 14, I started realizing that I didn't like that people just wore the same things as everybody else and followed trends, so I wanted to have my own style

Go-to look: black t-shirt, jeans, high-top converse

Kamari Pless, Sophomore, Editing, Writing, and Media

Your style in two words: classy, chic

Style inspiration: European style, London fashion particularly

Favorite place to get your clothes: Zara

When you first started becoming aware of your style: in 9th grade I really began to experiment with different styles and found that I liked wearing different kinds of things every day. I never had just one set, official style

Go-to look: all black with one statement piece, like a pair of sneakers or a bold pair of hoops, just something that stands out

Florida State University