Former girlfriend of FSU football player accuses him of abuse
She cited 11 incidents in the last two years
FSU offensive lineman Josh Ball, 19, is being accused by his ex-girlfriend for abuse in multiple instances. She claims that he has a history of hitting her, as stated in her petition for court order for protection against the violence.
In the document she lists 11 separate incidents where she and Ball had altercations. She states that she and Ball don't have communication after they broke up, but he constantly reaches out to her and goes out of his way to be near her.
"He's a violent person, and I'm scared he's going to take it too far," she wrote.
The timeline of the incidents begin in July of 2016 and end in late September. Of these include accounts where "he slapped me once in the face" after an argument where he threw her phone against the wall and cracked it.
When healing from a concussion, he "got mad at me for not spending enough time with him", "grabbed me and threw me to the floor cutting open my right knee and causing it to bleed." she stated.
The 20 year old woman's petition will be heard on Thursday in Leon County Court.