Vote: What is the best thing about Georgetown?
What makes us the crème de la crème?
It’s well established that Georgetown University is the best school in the world (Sorry Harvard, Yale, etc). But why? What about it makes it just so great?
What part of Georgetown do you think is the best?
The vibrant student body
Not only are they diverse and hail from many different countries but they are your real friends. There is not a cutthroat environment because we are all Hoyas in the end. You will make some of your best, life-long friends here, whether you know it or not.
The quirky professors
Obviously they are teaching at Georgetown for a reason. No doubt the majority of them here are exceptional, but they also have personalities. Most of them crack regular jokes, even if they are awkward or stupid. It’s always the thought that counts.
Everyone loves HFSC, it has food, studying space, a patio, a view, fireplaces, comfy furniture. What more could you ask for? This building houses debates, programs, a much more, so it has become an integral part of every student’s experience. Whether you plan to or not, you will undoubtedly spend a lot of time here for one reason or another.
Being so close to Washington, D.C.
The capital of the United States can house some pretty awesome things: the JFK Performing Arts Center, masses of museums, hubs of businesses and politics, night clubs, etc. It’s a couple of miles away at most, so it’s right in our backyard. Also, it has numerous job opportunities for your future self, so no need to struggle to find career options.
Just having an excellent name
It’s not a secret that the name “Georgetown University” holds some serious weight. This is true not just in the United States but in the world as well. Associated with extremely intelligent, worldly, and socially-aware students, our school name is certainly somewhat of a luxury brand.
The world-renowned speakers
Being next to the nation’s capital, Georgetown receives some of the best speakers in the world. It seems like every week there is someone of genuine distinction giving a talk. From John Kerry to Bernie Sanders to Wale, Georgetown is able to attract some of the best names in the game.
The personal feel
This factor is so difficult to define but is probably a large part of why many of us choose to go here. Maybe it feels like home, or an escape, or a paradise, or whatever triggered your heart. Georgetown means so much to so many different people that you really can’t fit it under one or two adjectives. If you were to ask what five people felt when they first got here, you would probably get six different answers.
The just right size
It is big enough to be able to meet new people each year but small enough so that you never feel overwhelmed by the masses. It has the resources of a school much bigger but none of the problems of massive state schools.
Despite having so many different buildings, it’s all set in a 100-acre campus. You will never have trouble navigating this school after spending just a week or two on campus, yet there are so many little places to get away from the stresses and burdens of school, like the Observatory.
Healy, Copley, and White Gravenor Halls
The first buildings people see when they come through the front gates are these three beauts. The aged stone, and antique feel is quite overwhelming for most.
These hallmark buildings are also surrounded by the biggest lawns on campus which add their elegance and charm. It never gets old gazing at those head-turners.
The Great Potomac
This ancient river named after an Indigenous Tribe adds some of the best physical enchantment to our campus. It offers some of the best views for dates, runs, dinner, etc. It winds throughout the edge of DC contributing endless beauty to the area. There aren’t too many better places to take a break and relax, either.
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